RSU5 Community Programs
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Making Acorns into Food

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This hands-on course teaches how to make acorns into delicious, nutritious flour and how to use the flour in your kitchen. We will cover the art of selecting healthy acorns, different methods for processing them, and different ways to cook with them. We encourage you to bring to the class less than a gallon of local acorns (only acorns from our local counties of Androscoggin, Cumberland or Sagadahoc please to prevent the spread of Oak pathogens), and two food-safe buckets, bowls or mason jars appropriate for carrying water without spilling it. Each of the two receptacles by themselves should be big enough to hold all of the acorns you’re bringing, but small enough so that one of them will fit in your fridge. We will take you through the cold-water leaching method step-by-step to make delicious flour and teach you how to preserve it. 

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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