RSU5 Community Programs
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Falcon Football Camp (Grades 3-8) Register View Cart

This year we are offering a week-long camp to ready new and returning football players for the upcoming season. The camp will cover: training at all all positions; offensive and defensive schemes; strength and agility drills; the rules and history of football; and team-building skills. 

Players may only register for the afternoon session if they are also attending in the morning (1/2 day camp option only available in AM, not PM session).

Players need: cleats, workout clothes, sun block, a water bottle, a snack and a lunch. 

Proceeds from this camp go towards scholarships and reducing program fees within the Freeport Gridirons Booster Club and RSU5 CP programming.

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Falcon Football 
N/A 3 - 8 MTuWThF  07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025
08:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Freeport High School - FHS JBS Track & Turf Field
$125.00 Fee
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Falcon Football (PM Option) 
N/A 3 - 8 MTuWThF  07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025
12:00 PM - 03:00 PM

Freeport High School - FHS JBS Track & Turf Field
$40.00 Fee
*Must register for AM Option in order to be eligible for this option.
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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