RSU5 Community Programs
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with RSU5 Community Programs and Freeport Community Library

Watch this space for exciting new opportunities all year long! We will explore Art, Drama, Music, Literature, Sports, Games and more throughout the year. Do you have a particular passion you’d like to Explore with us? Let us know! We can learn together or find an expert in the community to join us. You don't need to register for most programs, but if you do, we can better plan! (Starred programs will require registration so that we can transport your children from the library.)

Gourmet Matinee
On the first Wednesday of each month, we'll be making a snack that won't require any cooking, that you can replicate at home. What better time to eat a snack than while watching a movie? With that in mind, we'll also have a movie running on the big screen in the Community Room. Join us for both!

April 2: Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home / Hot and cold matcha drinks: Romulan Kale Smoothies and Nuclear Wassail Punch

Dates: First non-holiday Wednesday each month, October 2 – June 4

Unplugged Board Gaming
There’s more to board gaming than Monopoly and Risk! Come play some modern classics like Splendor, Azul or Wingspan. We’ll teach you a new game each session. Most of these games will soon be available to check out from FCL and bring home!

Dates: Wednesday, March 12, and Thursdays, March 6, 20, April 3, & May 22

Dungeons & Dragons: Candlekeep Mysteries

Join the ongoing adventure as we explore the world of 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons. New players are encouraged to join us starting in February as we explore the mysteries of Candlekeep, a city-sized library filled with ghosts, goblins, and, you guessed it: dragons! No experience points necessary.

Dates: Every other Thursday, January 2 – April 10, May 1 – 29

Chess Clubbing
Learn to play the sport of kings, or test yourself against other students. We have competition chess sets and timers for those who want a full experience, but will also teach fundamentals or basic strategies for those who want to advance their knowledge of the game. Also, we'll be playing club music.

At 3:30 each meeting, this program will be open to chaperoned kids and families of all ages!

Dates: Last non-holiday Wednesday of every month, January 29th – May 28

Afternoon Art: Learn to Crochet
Sarah Cass joins us as we learn the basics of crocheting. Kids choose the age-appropriate soundtrack.

Dates: Wednesdays, April 9 & 16

Henna Alchemy Workshop
with Mandy from Wicked Good Henna
In this workshop, everyone makes their own henna paste to use at home, and gets a beautiful henna design! Participation limited to 15 students, so register to guarantee a seat!)

Date: Thursday, April 17

Mask Making Workshop
Maine Artist Kristine Biegel, presents a mask-making workshop this May The masks will be made out of large recycled materials, paper bags, newspapers, tape, decoupage, and paint, and inspired by your own imaginations (kick started with a little help from our showing of Labyrinth on the first day). This is a multi-day program, beginning on an early release day. Bring your scraps and creativity and leave with a work of art!

Dates: Wednesdays and Thursdays, May 7, 8 & 21

Mr. Drew and His Animals, Too!
Join us as we welcome Mr. Drew and a dozen of his exotic animal friends. Snakes, lizards, insects, and arachnids: all are welcome!

Date: Wednesday, May 14

Lego Geniuses
Are you a Lego Genius? Prove it as you compete against your peers in this one-of-a-kind competition. Choose your team and build an original creation in just a matter of minutes. Will there be prizes? You bet!

Date: Wednesday, March 19

Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
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Unplugged Board Games 
N/A 6 - 12 WTh  03/06/2025 - 05/22/2025
02:30 PM - 04:30 PM

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$0.00 Fee
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Art Afternoons 
N/A 6 - 12 04/09/2025 - 04/16/2025
02:30 PM - 04:30 PM

Freeport Community Library Meeting Room
$0.00 Fee
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Henna Alchemy 
N/A 6 - 12 Th  04/17/2025
02:30 PM - 04:30 PM

Freeport Community Library Meeting Room
$0.00 Fee
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Mask Making Workshop 
N/A 6 - 12 WTh  05/07/2025 - 05/21/2025
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Freeport Community Library Meeting Room
$0.00 Fee
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Mr. Drew and His Animals, Too! 
N/A 6 - 12 05/14/2025
02:30 PM - 04:30 PM

Freeport Community Library Meeting Room
$0.00 Fee
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Gourmet Matinee 
N/A 6 - 12 10/02/2024 - 06/04/2025
02:30 PM - 04:30 PM

Freeport Community Library Meeting Room
$0.00 Fee
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D&D Candlekeep Mysteries 
N/A 6 - 12 Th  09/12/2024 - 06/12/2025
02:30 PM - 04:30 PM

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$0.00 Fee
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Chess Clubbing 
N/A 6 - 12 11/13/2024 - 05/28/2025
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Freeport Community Library Meeting Room
$0.00 Fee
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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