RSU5 Community Programs
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Girls & Women in Sports and Coaching

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sgu flyer

In partnership with the Strong Girls United Foundation (SGU), we are excited to offer this event to celebrate National Girls & Women in Sports Day. The program will feature:

  • A two-hour clinic for the girls to learn from some amazing female role models in our community! Activities will include multi-sports, team building activities and mental health skills stations. Leaders will include a number of student-athletes from the University of Southern Maine and Freeport High School.
Women in sports are more important today than they've ever been, and this workshop will provide an opportunity to craft an individual action plan and to work with others toward a stronger and healthier future. Don't miss this chance to step up and make a difference - register today! Clinic open students in K-8th. Workshop open to all interested women.

What is SGU?

SGU is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a mission to empower girls through sports, mentorship, and mental health programming. All of their programs and events center around this mission and the motto: Strong bodies, kind hearts, unstoppable minds. They collaborate with community partners to run high-impact events for youth girls.

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