RSU5 Community Programs
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Camp Seaside

Camp Seaside
(Grades K-5) 

Camp Seaside is a summer day camp based out of Mast Landing School in Freeport designed to get kids outside and experiencing all that Maine has to offer over the summer vacation months. Campers and their team of counselors travel three to four times throughout each week to local parks, beaches, recreation areas and more to explore, learn and most importantly have fun! 

Camp Seaside is made possible by staff that love children and the great outdoors! Staff members work hard to create programming that gets children active, outside and inspires exploration for the natural world and our community. All staff attend pre-service training and are certified in First Aid and CPR. 

Camp Seaside is divided into two age groups: 
  • Puffins (entering K-2)
  • Seals (entering 3rd-5th)
Each group will have their own team of counselors. A detailed schedule of trips will be available before the start of camp. 

Camp runs from 8:30am-3:30pm daily. Before and after care for those participating in camp are available from 7:00am-8:30am and from 3:30-5:30pm daily. Before and aftercare cost is $30 each for the week or $60 for both (or less during a shortened week). See below for details on adding this to your registration.

Session                                                                                Fee
Week 1 June 23rd - June 27th                                        $280
Week 2 June 30th - July 3rd (no camp Friday 7/4)       $224
Week 3 July 7th -July 11th                                               $280
Week 4 July 14th - July 18th                                            $280
Week 5 July 21st -July 25th                                            $280
Week 6 July 28th - August 1st                                       $280
Week 7 August 4th - August 8th                                    $280
Week 8 August 11th - August 15th                                $280

Summer 2025 Registration: 

Starting Monday, January 6, members of the community have a two-week window to request space in Camp Seaside. We’ll be conducting lotteries from those registration requests, so you’ll no longer need to race to get registered in a first-come, first-served environment. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Monday, January 6 – online lottery request period opens for Camp Seaside;
  • Monday, January 20 – online lottery request period closes for Camp Seaside;
  • Friday, January 24 – families notified of the week/s available to them in Camp Seaside (an option to add before and/ or after care to your registration will be sent at this point as well);
  • Friday, January 31, 9:00 am – deadline for families to confirm acceptance of their January 24 offer.
Our goal remains to serve as many children and families as possible, and we believe that this new process offers greater equity in that regard. Please be in touch if you have questions!

Camp fees include all field trips and special events. Full payment is due the week before your child is scheduled to attend. A deposit of $25 per week ($200 for the full summer) is required at the time of sign-up in order to hold your spot.