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Monday February 17, 2025
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM    Rec Basketball League (Grades 3-6) - Grade 3/4 Girls Rec Basketball: RSU5 Combo Team @ Practice
Through practice, clinics, and games, this local league provides and promotes a safe, recreational basketball program for youth in grades 3 – 6 throughout RSU5. Focus is on good sportsmanship, developing strong playing skills, and promoting friendly relationships among the players, coaches, referees, and parents. Our main objective is to promote sportsmanship, integrity, and fairness. Teams will practice once during the week in the evening, and have a Saturday morning game. Games will be held in Durham, Freeport, Yarmouth or Brunswick. When you register, you will be asked where you would prefer to practice. You may choose either Durham/Pownal (practices at Pownal Elementary School with home games at DCS) or Freeport (practices at Mast Landing School with home games at FHS), and we will do all that we can to place your child on a team that practices in that town. Practices begin as soon as November 20th. Sign up by November 15th to guarantee a spot.Once teams are finalized, a coach will contact you and we will assign weekly practice times. If you have a specific day or time that you CANNOT practice, please indicate this when signing up. In an effort to create balanced teams, we cannot accommodate all specific team/coach requests.Thank you to our sponsors of this league! These local businesses help us support our community by offering scholarships to those in need:4B Logging & Lot Clearing, INCCasco Bay FordInter State Photography by FHS Alumni, Hannah Schnyder
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM    Travel Basketball League 2024-2025 (Grade 5-8) - Grade 5-6 Boys Travel Basketball: 6th Grade Boys Travel Team 2 (Scheib) @ Practice
This Program Registration is CLOSED and will not accept any more players. If you are interested in playing basketball with our Rec Program, that registration is open until November 15th and can be found at <this direct link>.Travel basketball involves teams from surrounding communities and is a competitive program competing in the Southern Maine Hoops League. Players must attend the evaluation night (Oct 29), after which they will be placed on a team. Teams will practice once or twice a week beginning as soon as November 4th, and play games as often as twice a weekend. The league consists of a regular season and playoff series. All games are on weekends. The first game weekend is November 16th-17th, and the final regular season game weekend is January 18th-19th. There are no games the weekends of Nov 30-Dec 1 and Dec 28-29. Playoffs continue through Feb 7-8th. This season, all teams will play games at Maine Basketball Academy (Portland), Maine Sports Arena (Saco), or Brunswick Recreation Center. The game schedule will be published both on the SMHL website, and on this program registration AS SOON AS IT BECOMES AVAILABLE (it has not been published as of 10/29/24).The practice schedule will be announced along with the rosters after the evaluation night. Each team can plan to practice one or two times per week for one hour, on a week night. Please let us know ASAP if there is any day of the week that you CANNOT practice.Parent Coaches and assistants are needed in order to run this program! If you are interested in coaching, please reach out to, and indicate so on your player's registration. Teams cannot form until we have enough players and volunteer coaches to guarantee they will run. If we do not have enough coaches to form teams with all present players, cuts are possible.Registration closes on October 26th; anyone registering after that date will join the waiting list and will only be accepted if there is room in the program. Please direct all questions and concerns to, or call our office during normal business hours at 207-865-6171 x324.Updates:Due to high registration numbers, we have separated the grade levels for the Boys Evaluation Night on Tuesday October 29th. All 5th and 6th Graders will play from 6:30-8pm, with 7th and 8th graders playing from 8-9pm.     
Tuesday February 18, 2025
7:45 AM - 8:35 AM    Odyssey of the Mind
8:00 AM - 5:30 PM    Dragon's Eye Adventures
8:00 AM - 5:30 PM    Dragon's Eye Adventures
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM    Drama Club
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM    Gridiron / FHS Football Lifting
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM    Travel Basketball League 2024-2025 (Grade 5-8) - Grade 5-6-7 Girls Travel Basketball: 5-6th Girls Travel (Stone/Simkowitz/Kieger) @ Practice
This Program Registration is CLOSED and will not accept any more players. If you are interested in playing basketball with our Rec Program, that registration is open until November 15th and can be found at <this direct link>.Travel basketball involves teams from surrounding communities and is a competitive program competing in the Southern Maine Hoops League. Players must attend the evaluation night (Oct 29), after which they will be placed on a team. Teams will practice once or twice a week beginning as soon as November 4th, and play games as often as twice a weekend. The league consists of a regular season and playoff series. All games are on weekends. The first game weekend is November 16th-17th, and the final regular season game weekend is January 18th-19th. There are no games the weekends of Nov 30-Dec 1 and Dec 28-29. Playoffs continue through Feb 7-8th. This season, all teams will play games at Maine Basketball Academy (Portland), Maine Sports Arena (Saco), or Brunswick Recreation Center. The game schedule will be published both on the SMHL website, and on this program registration AS SOON AS IT BECOMES AVAILABLE (it has not been published as of 10/29/24).The practice schedule will be announced along with the rosters after the evaluation night. Each team can plan to practice one or two times per week for one hour, on a week night. Please let us know ASAP if there is any day of the week that you CANNOT practice.Parent Coaches and assistants are needed in order to run this program! If you are interested in coaching, please reach out to, and indicate so on your player's registration. Teams cannot form until we have enough players and volunteer coaches to guarantee they will run. If we do not have enough coaches to form teams with all present players, cuts are possible.Registration closes on October 26th; anyone registering after that date will join the waiting list and will only be accepted if there is room in the program. Please direct all questions and concerns to, or call our office during normal business hours at 207-865-6171 x324.Updates:Due to high registration numbers, we have separated the grade levels for the Boys Evaluation Night on Tuesday October 29th. All 5th and 6th Graders will play from 6:30-8pm, with 7th and 8th graders playing from 8-9pm.     
Wednesday February 19, 2025
8:00 AM - 5:30 PM    Dragon's Eye Adventures
8:00 AM - 5:30 PM    Dragon's Eye Adventures
3:30 PM - 5:30 PM    Odyssey of the Mind
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM    Rec Basketball League (Grades 3-6) - Grade 3/4 Girls Rec Basketball: RSU5 Combo Team @ Practice
Through practice, clinics, and games, this local league provides and promotes a safe, recreational basketball program for youth in grades 3 – 6 throughout RSU5. Focus is on good sportsmanship, developing strong playing skills, and promoting friendly relationships among the players, coaches, referees, and parents. Our main objective is to promote sportsmanship, integrity, and fairness. Teams will practice once during the week in the evening, and have a Saturday morning game. Games will be held in Durham, Freeport, Yarmouth or Brunswick. When you register, you will be asked where you would prefer to practice. You may choose either Durham/Pownal (practices at Pownal Elementary School with home games at DCS) or Freeport (practices at Mast Landing School with home games at FHS), and we will do all that we can to place your child on a team that practices in that town. Practices begin as soon as November 20th. Sign up by November 15th to guarantee a spot.Once teams are finalized, a coach will contact you and we will assign weekly practice times. If you have a specific day or time that you CANNOT practice, please indicate this when signing up. In an effort to create balanced teams, we cannot accommodate all specific team/coach requests.Thank you to our sponsors of this league! These local businesses help us support our community by offering scholarships to those in need:4B Logging & Lot Clearing, INCCasco Bay FordInter State Photography by FHS Alumni, Hannah Schnyder
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM    Adult Rec Basketball Open Gym - Adult Rec Basketball DCS
Play pick up basketball and stay in shape year round.  MUST be pre-registered with Community Programs - NO Drop-insSundays excluded when Monday is a holiday. Wednesdays excluded for school gatherings and during middle school basketball season.If you register for one location, your registration for the other location should be fully discounted at checkout.
Thursday February 20, 2025
8:00 AM - 5:30 PM    Dragon's Eye Adventures
8:00 AM - 5:30 PM    Dragon's Eye Adventures
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM    Gridiron / FHS Football Lifting
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM    Girls & Women in Sports and Coaching - Youth Clinic with Strong Girls United (Grades K-6)
In partnership with the Strong Girls United Foundation (SGU), we are excited to offer this event to celebrate National Girls & Women in Sports Day. The program will feature: A two-hour clinic for the girls to learn from some amazing female role models in our community! Activities will include multi-sports, team building activities and mental health skills stations. Leaders will include a number of student-athletes from the University of Southern Maine and Freeport High School.  Women in sports are more important today than they've ever been, and this workshop will provide an opportunity to craft an individual action plan and to work with others toward a stronger and healthier future. Don't miss this chance to step up and make a difference - register today! Clinic open students in K-8th. Workshop open to all interested women.What is SGU?SGU is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a mission to empower girls through sports, mentorship, and mental health programming. All of their programs and events center around this mission and the motto: Strong bodies, kind hearts, unstoppable minds. They collaborate with community partners to run high-impact events for youth girls.
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM    Rec Basketball League (Grades 3-6) - Grade 3/4 Girls Rec Basketball: RSU5 Combo Team @ Practice
Through practice, clinics, and games, this local league provides and promotes a safe, recreational basketball program for youth in grades 3 – 6 throughout RSU5. Focus is on good sportsmanship, developing strong playing skills, and promoting friendly relationships among the players, coaches, referees, and parents. Our main objective is to promote sportsmanship, integrity, and fairness. Teams will practice once during the week in the evening, and have a Saturday morning game. Games will be held in Durham, Freeport, Yarmouth or Brunswick. When you register, you will be asked where you would prefer to practice. You may choose either Durham/Pownal (practices at Pownal Elementary School with home games at DCS) or Freeport (practices at Mast Landing School with home games at FHS), and we will do all that we can to place your child on a team that practices in that town. Practices begin as soon as November 20th. Sign up by November 15th to guarantee a spot.Once teams are finalized, a coach will contact you and we will assign weekly practice times. If you have a specific day or time that you CANNOT practice, please indicate this when signing up. In an effort to create balanced teams, we cannot accommodate all specific team/coach requests.Thank you to our sponsors of this league! These local businesses help us support our community by offering scholarships to those in need:4B Logging & Lot Clearing, INCCasco Bay FordInter State Photography by FHS Alumni, Hannah Schnyder
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM    Travel Basketball League 2024-2025 (Grade 5-8) - Grade 5-6 Boys Travel Basketball: 6th Grade Boys Travel Team 2 (Scheib) @ Practice
This Program Registration is CLOSED and will not accept any more players. If you are interested in playing basketball with our Rec Program, that registration is open until November 15th and can be found at <this direct link>.Travel basketball involves teams from surrounding communities and is a competitive program competing in the Southern Maine Hoops League. Players must attend the evaluation night (Oct 29), after which they will be placed on a team. Teams will practice once or twice a week beginning as soon as November 4th, and play games as often as twice a weekend. The league consists of a regular season and playoff series. All games are on weekends. The first game weekend is November 16th-17th, and the final regular season game weekend is January 18th-19th. There are no games the weekends of Nov 30-Dec 1 and Dec 28-29. Playoffs continue through Feb 7-8th. This season, all teams will play games at Maine Basketball Academy (Portland), Maine Sports Arena (Saco), or Brunswick Recreation Center. The game schedule will be published both on the SMHL website, and on this program registration AS SOON AS IT BECOMES AVAILABLE (it has not been published as of 10/29/24).The practice schedule will be announced along with the rosters after the evaluation night. Each team can plan to practice one or two times per week for one hour, on a week night. Please let us know ASAP if there is any day of the week that you CANNOT practice.Parent Coaches and assistants are needed in order to run this program! If you are interested in coaching, please reach out to, and indicate so on your player's registration. Teams cannot form until we have enough players and volunteer coaches to guarantee they will run. If we do not have enough coaches to form teams with all present players, cuts are possible.Registration closes on October 26th; anyone registering after that date will join the waiting list and will only be accepted if there is room in the program. Please direct all questions and concerns to, or call our office during normal business hours at 207-865-6171 x324.Updates:Due to high registration numbers, we have separated the grade levels for the Boys Evaluation Night on Tuesday October 29th. All 5th and 6th Graders will play from 6:30-8pm, with 7th and 8th graders playing from 8-9pm.     
Friday February 21, 2025
8:00 AM - 5:30 PM    Dragon's Eye Adventures
8:00 AM - 5:30 PM    Dragon's Eye Adventures
Saturday February 22, 2025
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM    Youth & Parent Indoor Soccer/Futsal - Saturday Soccer DCS
Join us early Saturday evenings this winter as we keep in shape with some recreational indoor soccer. Kids, especially those with travel or school-team experience can sign up, as can their parents.
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM    Gridiron / FHS Football Lifting
Sunday February 23, 2025
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM    FHS Baseball Boosters open gym
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM    Adult Rec Basketball Open Gym - Adult Rec Basketball DCS
Play pick up basketball and stay in shape year round.  MUST be pre-registered with Community Programs - NO Drop-insSundays excluded when Monday is a holiday. Wednesdays excluded for school gatherings and during middle school basketball season.If you register for one location, your registration for the other location should be fully discounted at checkout.
12:00 PM - 5:00 PM    Tri-Town Little League Pre-Season Indoor Practices
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM    Youth Ultimate Frisbee - Beginner Clinics for Girls & Female-Matching Players: Practice
Join the Freeport Ultimate program* and compete against other schools in this ultimate frisbee league! High school boys and girls teams will share the field in joint practices consisting of co-ed drills and scrimmages, as well as single-gender play. Teams will have the option to split into separate gender divisions for games, and also may play in the Mixed Division for additional games if desired. Game days will take place on Tuesdays, with backup days (weather, other rescheduling) on Wednesdays and Thursdays. All teams have the option to attend single-day tournaments throughout the season, for an additional fee.Please note that participation in the High School Division also requires a Youth Membership with USA Ultimate (additional $40 cost).*This program registration open to players from Freeport, Durham, Pownal, ME Coast Waldorf School, PolandNEW! Beginner Clinics for Girls & Female-Matching PlayersBeginning February 23rd, join us on Sundays from 1-3pm at the Freeport High School for these introductory clinics. Players can expect to spend the first part of practices learning basic fundamental skills and strategy, followed by fun games and scrimmages to end each session. Come try out this sport to see if you might be interested in joining the team! This program is open to any player interested in playing in the Girl's division (MS or HS). Register below - NO DROP INS!MIDDLE SCHOOL REGISTRATION WILL BE ADDED SOON! The middle school season will consist of clinic style practices, with an emphasis on learning basic fundamentals, rules and strategy of the game. These clinics will happen on Saturdays at Hunter Road Field, beginning in late April. This age group may have the option to play in additional scrimmages, games, or tournaments against other schools.More information about these leagues can be found at:
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM    High School Rugby - 2025 MHSRA/NEYRA Rugby : Seawolves (B) @ Practice
  Maine High School Rugby Association has transformed, and combined powers with programs in other New England states to be a part of the Northeast Youth Rugby Association (NEYRA). More information about this group can be found at here: NEYRA HomepageIn partnership with the Portland Rugby Football Club, USA Rugby, and the New England Free Jacks, the MHSRA & NEYRA is bringing rugby to Maine! The boys division will have five teams in ME, based out of these communities: Berwick, Freeport, Portland, Presque Isle and Waterville. The girls division will form a super-regional team that will compete against other high school clubs from New England. Both groups will practice* at Freeport High School on week days (Sundays indoors until the weather allows outdoor practices), and compete in weekend tournaments. The 'Spring Sevens' 7v7 tournaments will align with the spring MPA sports season, running from March through June. A full calendar can be found here, and you can expect updates to come directly from the NEYRA league managers and coaches.*Note: The team will practice outside on the FHS JBS Turf whenever possible; the Morse Street School Gym is reserved throughout the season in case practices need to be moved indoors.Registration for this program will be done directly through the NEYRA Website. Here is a direct link to do so: Register for the Freeport Seawolves
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM    Winter/Spring Volleyball - Middle School Volleyball
Join this fun & competitive co-ed volleyball program! Come play pickup volleyball and sweat away those winter blues. MUST be pre-registered with Community Programs - NO Drop-ins
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM    Adult Rec Basketball Open Gym - Adult Rec Basketball FMS Sundays
Play pick up basketball and stay in shape year round.  MUST be pre-registered with Community Programs - NO Drop-insSundays excluded when Monday is a holiday. Wednesdays excluded for school gatherings and during middle school basketball season.If you register for one location, your registration for the other location should be fully discounted at checkout.
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM    Winter/Spring Volleyball - Adult Volleyball
Join this fun & competitive co-ed volleyball program! Come play pickup volleyball and sweat away those winter blues. MUST be pre-registered with Community Programs - NO Drop-ins
Monday February 24, 2025
3:15 PM - 4:15 PM    Mad Science: STEM Odyssey - Mad Science - STEM Odyssey MSS
In STEM Odyssey, explore a variety of introductory topics and learn about the wonders of both life and physical sciences. Answer questions like, “What makes your hair stand up?”, “Is it a magnet or magic?”, and “Just what are carbs, anyway?” Morse Street Students may ride the bus from school to Mast Landing.
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM    Gee's Floor Hockey - GfH Grade 1 (Mondays)
It's floor hockey season at Morse Street School!  This fun after school program will introduce the skills of dribbling, passing, receiving, shooting, and offensive and defensive team play strategies of floor hockey.  This hour will be full of high activity and excitement.  Space is Limited.
3:20 PM - 4:20 PM    Maine Nature Art - DCS Art Mud Season
Seasonal delights will inspire your budding artists during these sessions. Come join in and bring a snack, water bottle, and imagination inspired by all Maine has to offer outside!
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM    Falcon Esports - Esports Spring 2025
RSU5 Community Programs is excited to offer an opportunity for students to compete in the Maine Principals’ Association’s newest sanctioned event: esports!Join a team of your classmates as you represent RSU5 and Freeport High School in competition with other teams from around the state playing Super Smash Bros.™ Ultimate, with opportunities to join regional leagues to play Splatoon™ 3, Mario Kart™ 8 Deluxe, or other titles yet to be announced, such as chess and Rocket League.Coach Brandon Cass, FHS Class of 2016, will ready players for game days with live practice sessions. Sportsmanship will be stressed, as we mold a respectful generation of gamers who can work together to hone their skills as a team. Players can move on to one of the nearly 200 varsity collegiate programs currently offered in this country, or into professional competition where hundreds of players around the world have each totaled hundreds of thousands of dollars in prize money.Practices will be held up to four days per week, Monday through Thursday, depending on competition schedules.  Sponsored by
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM    Rec Basketball League (Grades 3-6) - Grade 3/4 Girls Rec Basketball: RSU5 Combo Team @ Practice
Through practice, clinics, and games, this local league provides and promotes a safe, recreational basketball program for youth in grades 3 – 6 throughout RSU5. Focus is on good sportsmanship, developing strong playing skills, and promoting friendly relationships among the players, coaches, referees, and parents. Our main objective is to promote sportsmanship, integrity, and fairness. Teams will practice once during the week in the evening, and have a Saturday morning game. Games will be held in Durham, Freeport, Yarmouth or Brunswick. When you register, you will be asked where you would prefer to practice. You may choose either Durham/Pownal (practices at Pownal Elementary School with home games at DCS) or Freeport (practices at Mast Landing School with home games at FHS), and we will do all that we can to place your child on a team that practices in that town. Practices begin as soon as November 20th. Sign up by November 15th to guarantee a spot.Once teams are finalized, a coach will contact you and we will assign weekly practice times. If you have a specific day or time that you CANNOT practice, please indicate this when signing up. In an effort to create balanced teams, we cannot accommodate all specific team/coach requests.Thank you to our sponsors of this league! These local businesses help us support our community by offering scholarships to those in need:4B Logging & Lot Clearing, INCCasco Bay FordInter State Photography by FHS Alumni, Hannah Schnyder
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM    Pickleball in Pownal - Pickleball Winter (Early Session)
Come drop-in for some Pickleball action, get some great exercise, and have some fun! All levels and abilities are welcome. This season will look a little different from others. If you would like to rent a paddle for the season, you may rent one of ours, but if you would like to purchase your own, we encourage you to do so. We will not be collecting fees at the door. You must register for the whole season, no matter how many weeks you attend.
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM    Line Dancing - Line Dancing - Winter
Find out how much fun line dancing can be!  Learn to line dance to a variety of rhythms :  Latin, country standards and even the Electric Slide!  Get a great cardio workout and learn to dance to your favorite songs.  Requests will be taken for specific dances and/or music on the first night, and dances will be taught in response to requests whenever possible.  No experience necessary.  Wear comfortable clothing and soft soled shoes.  No partner is required for this fun, energetic class.
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM    Travel Basketball League 2024-2025 (Grade 5-8) - Grade 5-6 Boys Travel Basketball: 6th Grade Boys Travel Team 2 (Scheib) @ Practice
This Program Registration is CLOSED and will not accept any more players. If you are interested in playing basketball with our Rec Program, that registration is open until November 15th and can be found at <this direct link>.Travel basketball involves teams from surrounding communities and is a competitive program competing in the Southern Maine Hoops League. Players must attend the evaluation night (Oct 29), after which they will be placed on a team. Teams will practice once or twice a week beginning as soon as November 4th, and play games as often as twice a weekend. The league consists of a regular season and playoff series. All games are on weekends. The first game weekend is November 16th-17th, and the final regular season game weekend is January 18th-19th. There are no games the weekends of Nov 30-Dec 1 and Dec 28-29. Playoffs continue through Feb 7-8th. This season, all teams will play games at Maine Basketball Academy (Portland), Maine Sports Arena (Saco), or Brunswick Recreation Center. The game schedule will be published both on the SMHL website, and on this program registration AS SOON AS IT BECOMES AVAILABLE (it has not been published as of 10/29/24).The practice schedule will be announced along with the rosters after the evaluation night. Each team can plan to practice one or two times per week for one hour, on a week night. Please let us know ASAP if there is any day of the week that you CANNOT practice.Parent Coaches and assistants are needed in order to run this program! If you are interested in coaching, please reach out to, and indicate so on your player's registration. Teams cannot form until we have enough players and volunteer coaches to guarantee they will run. If we do not have enough coaches to form teams with all present players, cuts are possible.Registration closes on October 26th; anyone registering after that date will join the waiting list and will only be accepted if there is room in the program. Please direct all questions and concerns to, or call our office during normal business hours at 207-865-6171 x324.Updates:Due to high registration numbers, we have separated the grade levels for the Boys Evaluation Night on Tuesday October 29th. All 5th and 6th Graders will play from 6:30-8pm, with 7th and 8th graders playing from 8-9pm.     
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM    Pickleball in Pownal - Pickleball Winter (Late Session)
Come drop-in for some Pickleball action, get some great exercise, and have some fun! All levels and abilities are welcome. This season will look a little different from others. If you would like to rent a paddle for the season, you may rent one of ours, but if you would like to purchase your own, we encourage you to do so. We will not be collecting fees at the door. You must register for the whole season, no matter how many weeks you attend.
Tuesday February 25, 2025
7:45 AM - 8:35 AM    Odyssey of the Mind
9:00 AM - 11:15 AM    RSU5 Administrator Meeting
3:00 PM - 6:00 PM    Driver Education - Roy's Driver & Rider Ed February
RSU5 DOES NOT take the Registrations - you must go through ROY'S to register.This course meets the state required 30 hours of classroom lecture and 10 hours of driving time.-Students must bring their birth certificate, social security card and blue or black ink pen to the first class. -Students must be 15 before the first class.REGISTER THROUGH ROY'S DRIVING ACADEMY 784-6245 or for more class information and registration
3:15 PM - 4:15 PM    After School GT Art
3:20 PM - 4:20 PM    Top Rockers Hip Hop Dance Crew - MSS Hip Hop Winter/Spring
Join us after school to learn beginning jazz and hip hop dance moves, conditioning and improvisation.  Get ready to have fun and work hard as we move to the beat!  Age appropriate music will be used for all sessions. Please send your dancer with comfortable flexible clothes (no jeans) and sneakers. The last day of most classes there will be a parent showcase.
3:25 PM - 4:30 PM    Fiber Arts - Fiber Arts
Sarah Lapine, PES parent and longtime fiber arts enthusiast, will teach students the basics of hand sewing and weaving. Students will have the opportunity to work on projects within each discipline and hopefully end the class with some finished products and a new lifelong hobby. Supplies will be provided; however, if a student has materials (fabric, yarn, etc) that they would like to bring in, they are welcome to do so. While knitting will not be taught, those who know how to knit and can do so independently may bring knitting projects to work on. Students who have previously participated in this program or have prior experience in fiber arts will have opportunities for some more advanced and/or self-directed projects.
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM    DCS Staff
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM    Drama Club
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM    Falcon Esports - Esports Spring 2025
RSU5 Community Programs is excited to offer an opportunity for students to compete in the Maine Principals’ Association’s newest sanctioned event: esports!Join a team of your classmates as you represent RSU5 and Freeport High School in competition with other teams from around the state playing Super Smash Bros.™ Ultimate, with opportunities to join regional leagues to play Splatoon™ 3, Mario Kart™ 8 Deluxe, or other titles yet to be announced, such as chess and Rocket League.Coach Brandon Cass, FHS Class of 2016, will ready players for game days with live practice sessions. Sportsmanship will be stressed, as we mold a respectful generation of gamers who can work together to hone their skills as a team. Players can move on to one of the nearly 200 varsity collegiate programs currently offered in this country, or into professional competition where hundreds of players around the world have each totaled hundreds of thousands of dollars in prize money.Practices will be held up to four days per week, Monday through Thursday, depending on competition schedules.  Sponsored by
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM    Gridiron / FHS Football Lifting
4:30 PM - 5:15 PM    Tiny Tappy Toes Dance Combo - MSS Dance Winter/Spring
Learn basic ballet, tap and creative movement steps with instructor Kate Andreu.  Dance teaches self confidence, balance, and coordination and keeps a child's mind and body working together.  Bring a pair of socks or flexible shoes and dress shoes (for tap technique) to every class.  Ballet and tap shoes are recommended but not required.  Please send your dancer in comfortable, flexible clothes (no jeans) and sneakers.  A parent showcase will be held on the last day of class.
5:45 PM - 8:00 PM    Maine Youth Orchestra
Wednesday February 26, 2025
7:50 AM - 8:35 AM    Introduction to German - Frühling I: Sport, Spiel und Spaß
Your kids will be amazed by how much German they know already: auto, bus, ball, and gesundheit are all German words.  In our morning classes, we will not only discover more about the German language, but also German culture.  Where is Germany on a map? How do German kids live? What is the school day like? What sports do they play? What do we all have in common? What is different? In a fun, interactive setting, we will discover Germany and the world together.  Bis bald!*If you are new to this program, please contact the instructor before registering at
3:00 PM - 6:00 PM    Driver Education - Roy's Driver & Rider Ed February
RSU5 DOES NOT take the Registrations - you must go through ROY'S to register.This course meets the state required 30 hours of classroom lecture and 10 hours of driving time.-Students must bring their birth certificate, social security card and blue or black ink pen to the first class. -Students must be 15 before the first class.REGISTER THROUGH ROY'S DRIVING ACADEMY 784-6245 or for more class information and registration
3:15 PM - 4:15 PM    Mad Science: STEM Odyssey - Mad Science - STEM Odyssey DCS
In STEM Odyssey, explore a variety of introductory topics and learn about the wonders of both life and physical sciences. Answer questions like, “What makes your hair stand up?”, “Is it a magnet or magic?”, and “Just what are carbs, anyway?” Morse Street Students may ride the bus from school to Mast Landing.
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM    Gee's Floor Hockey - GfH Kindergarten (Wednesdays)
It's floor hockey season at Morse Street School!  This fun after school program will introduce the skills of dribbling, passing, receiving, shooting, and offensive and defensive team play strategies of floor hockey.  This hour will be full of high activity and excitement.  Space is Limited.
3:15 PM - 5:00 PM    Girl Scouts
3:20 PM - 4:20 PM    Maine Nature Art - MSS Art Mud Season
Seasonal delights will inspire your budding artists during these sessions. Come join in and bring a snack, water bottle, and imagination inspired by all Maine has to offer outside!
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM    Falcon Esports - Esports Spring 2025
RSU5 Community Programs is excited to offer an opportunity for students to compete in the Maine Principals’ Association’s newest sanctioned event: esports!Join a team of your classmates as you represent RSU5 and Freeport High School in competition with other teams from around the state playing Super Smash Bros.™ Ultimate, with opportunities to join regional leagues to play Splatoon™ 3, Mario Kart™ 8 Deluxe, or other titles yet to be announced, such as chess and Rocket League.Coach Brandon Cass, FHS Class of 2016, will ready players for game days with live practice sessions. Sportsmanship will be stressed, as we mold a respectful generation of gamers who can work together to hone their skills as a team. Players can move on to one of the nearly 200 varsity collegiate programs currently offered in this country, or into professional competition where hundreds of players around the world have each totaled hundreds of thousands of dollars in prize money.Practices will be held up to four days per week, Monday through Thursday, depending on competition schedules.  Sponsored by
3:30 PM - 5:30 PM    Odyssey of the Mind
4:30 PM - 9:30 PM    School Board Meeting
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM    Career Workshops - Interview Skills (Evening)
Is a new job on your 2025 to do list? Where to begin?! Attend an upcoming workshop or book time with us to discuss your career interests and goals. We can help you with the steps to finding a new job. We can also help you improve your digital literacy skills on your own time. Contact us to learn more! Registration for morning or evening sessions is free but required
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM    Rec Basketball League (Grades 3-6) - Grade 3/4 Girls Rec Basketball: RSU5 Combo Team @ Practice
Through practice, clinics, and games, this local league provides and promotes a safe, recreational basketball program for youth in grades 3 – 6 throughout RSU5. Focus is on good sportsmanship, developing strong playing skills, and promoting friendly relationships among the players, coaches, referees, and parents. Our main objective is to promote sportsmanship, integrity, and fairness. Teams will practice once during the week in the evening, and have a Saturday morning game. Games will be held in Durham, Freeport, Yarmouth or Brunswick. When you register, you will be asked where you would prefer to practice. You may choose either Durham/Pownal (practices at Pownal Elementary School with home games at DCS) or Freeport (practices at Mast Landing School with home games at FHS), and we will do all that we can to place your child on a team that practices in that town. Practices begin as soon as November 20th. Sign up by November 15th to guarantee a spot.Once teams are finalized, a coach will contact you and we will assign weekly practice times. If you have a specific day or time that you CANNOT practice, please indicate this when signing up. In an effort to create balanced teams, we cannot accommodate all specific team/coach requests.Thank you to our sponsors of this league! These local businesses help us support our community by offering scholarships to those in need:4B Logging & Lot Clearing, INCCasco Bay FordInter State Photography by FHS Alumni, Hannah Schnyder
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM    The Art of Fiction Writing - The Art of Fiction Writing
This course will use the traditional workshop model to introduce students to the art of fiction writing. Students will share and critique each other's work while studying various elements of fiction, such as: character, plot, setting, POV, and voice. Our goal is to learn from other students while improving our own writing. We’ll also read short stories and essays on writing to further develop our ability to read as a writer.
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM    Adult Rec Basketball Open Gym - Adult Rec Basketball DCS
Play pick up basketball and stay in shape year round.  MUST be pre-registered with Community Programs - NO Drop-insSundays excluded when Monday is a holiday. Wednesdays excluded for school gatherings and during middle school basketball season.If you register for one location, your registration for the other location should be fully discounted at checkout.
Thursday February 27, 2025
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM    Gee's Floor Hockey - GfH Grade 2 (Thursdays)
It's floor hockey season at Morse Street School!  This fun after school program will introduce the skills of dribbling, passing, receiving, shooting, and offensive and defensive team play strategies of floor hockey.  This hour will be full of high activity and excitement.  Space is Limited.
3:20 PM - 4:20 PM    Top Rockers Hip Hop Dance Crew - DCS Hip Hop Winter/Spring
Join us after school to learn beginning jazz and hip hop dance moves, conditioning and improvisation.  Get ready to have fun and work hard as we move to the beat!  Age appropriate music will be used for all sessions. Please send your dancer with comfortable flexible clothes (no jeans) and sneakers. The last day of most classes there will be a parent showcase.
3:25 PM - 4:30 PM    Physical Education
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM    Maine Nature Art - MLS Art Mud Season
Seasonal delights will inspire your budding artists during these sessions. Come join in and bring a snack, water bottle, and imagination inspired by all Maine has to offer outside!
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM    DCS Staff
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM    Falcon Esports - Esports Spring 2025
RSU5 Community Programs is excited to offer an opportunity for students to compete in the Maine Principals’ Association’s newest sanctioned event: esports!Join a team of your classmates as you represent RSU5 and Freeport High School in competition with other teams from around the state playing Super Smash Bros.™ Ultimate, with opportunities to join regional leagues to play Splatoon™ 3, Mario Kart™ 8 Deluxe, or other titles yet to be announced, such as chess and Rocket League.Coach Brandon Cass, FHS Class of 2016, will ready players for game days with live practice sessions. Sportsmanship will be stressed, as we mold a respectful generation of gamers who can work together to hone their skills as a team. Players can move on to one of the nearly 200 varsity collegiate programs currently offered in this country, or into professional competition where hundreds of players around the world have each totaled hundreds of thousands of dollars in prize money.Practices will be held up to four days per week, Monday through Thursday, depending on competition schedules.  Sponsored by
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM    Gridiron / FHS Football Lifting
5:00 PM - 5:45 PM    Tae Kwon Do - TKD Youth (Late Winter - Beginner)
Tae Kwon Do is a great way to become physically and mentally fit while having fun. Learn valuable life long skills: respect, self-confidence, and courage, all while practicing self defense techniques. Great introduction to the martial arts while incorporating fun games and drills. Free uniform for your first session!
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM    Rec Basketball League (Grades 3-6) - Grade 3/4 Girls Rec Basketball: RSU5 Combo Team @ Practice
Through practice, clinics, and games, this local league provides and promotes a safe, recreational basketball program for youth in grades 3 – 6 throughout RSU5. Focus is on good sportsmanship, developing strong playing skills, and promoting friendly relationships among the players, coaches, referees, and parents. Our main objective is to promote sportsmanship, integrity, and fairness. Teams will practice once during the week in the evening, and have a Saturday morning game. Games will be held in Durham, Freeport, Yarmouth or Brunswick. When you register, you will be asked where you would prefer to practice. You may choose either Durham/Pownal (practices at Pownal Elementary School with home games at DCS) or Freeport (practices at Mast Landing School with home games at FHS), and we will do all that we can to place your child on a team that practices in that town. Practices begin as soon as November 20th. Sign up by November 15th to guarantee a spot.Once teams are finalized, a coach will contact you and we will assign weekly practice times. If you have a specific day or time that you CANNOT practice, please indicate this when signing up. In an effort to create balanced teams, we cannot accommodate all specific team/coach requests.Thank you to our sponsors of this league! These local businesses help us support our community by offering scholarships to those in need:4B Logging & Lot Clearing, INCCasco Bay FordInter State Photography by FHS Alumni, Hannah Schnyder
5:30 PM - 6:45 PM    Making Music Again - Making Music Again
Do you have an old band instrument lying around in your attic? Did you play a musical instrument as a kid and have always wanted to pick it back up? If you have an orchestral instrument: flute, oboe, clarinet, trumpet, French horn, trombone, violin, viola or cello, double bass, and have prior musical experience (even from decades ago) on your instrument, this is a wonderful way to revisit and rekindle your musical skills. This eight-week course will get you back into the swing of music making. All musicians will receive simple sheet music to play through. Together as an ensemble we will practice, make mistakes, and explore concepts such as tuning, tone, technique, balance, rhythm, and dynamics.
6:00 PM - 6:45 PM    Tae Kwon Do - TKD Youth (Late Winter - Intermediate)
Tae Kwon Do is a great way to become physically and mentally fit while having fun. Learn valuable life long skills: respect, self-confidence, and courage, all while practicing self defense techniques. Great introduction to the martial arts while incorporating fun games and drills. Free uniform for your first session!
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM    Family Math Night
7:00 PM - 7:45 PM    Tae Kwon Do - TKD Adult (Late Winter)
Tae Kwon Do is a great way to become physically and mentally fit while having fun. Learn valuable life long skills: respect, self-confidence, and courage, all while practicing self defense techniques. Great introduction to the martial arts while incorporating fun games and drills. Free uniform for your first session!
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM    Travel Basketball League 2024-2025 (Grade 5-8) - Grade 5-6 Boys Travel Basketball: 6th Grade Boys Travel Team 2 (Scheib) @ Practice
This Program Registration is CLOSED and will not accept any more players. If you are interested in playing basketball with our Rec Program, that registration is open until November 15th and can be found at <this direct link>.Travel basketball involves teams from surrounding communities and is a competitive program competing in the Southern Maine Hoops League. Players must attend the evaluation night (Oct 29), after which they will be placed on a team. Teams will practice once or twice a week beginning as soon as November 4th, and play games as often as twice a weekend. The league consists of a regular season and playoff series. All games are on weekends. The first game weekend is November 16th-17th, and the final regular season game weekend is January 18th-19th. There are no games the weekends of Nov 30-Dec 1 and Dec 28-29. Playoffs continue through Feb 7-8th. This season, all teams will play games at Maine Basketball Academy (Portland), Maine Sports Arena (Saco), or Brunswick Recreation Center. The game schedule will be published both on the SMHL website, and on this program registration AS SOON AS IT BECOMES AVAILABLE (it has not been published as of 10/29/24).The practice schedule will be announced along with the rosters after the evaluation night. Each team can plan to practice one or two times per week for one hour, on a week night. Please let us know ASAP if there is any day of the week that you CANNOT practice.Parent Coaches and assistants are needed in order to run this program! If you are interested in coaching, please reach out to, and indicate so on your player's registration. Teams cannot form until we have enough players and volunteer coaches to guarantee they will run. If we do not have enough coaches to form teams with all present players, cuts are possible.Registration closes on October 26th; anyone registering after that date will join the waiting list and will only be accepted if there is room in the program. Please direct all questions and concerns to, or call our office during normal business hours at 207-865-6171 x324.Updates:Due to high registration numbers, we have separated the grade levels for the Boys Evaluation Night on Tuesday October 29th. All 5th and 6th Graders will play from 6:30-8pm, with 7th and 8th graders playing from 8-9pm.     
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM    Conversational German - Late Winter German
Perhaps you took German in college years ago and would now like to refresh your knowledge, or maybe you are planning a trip to Germany and would like to know the most important phrases to get around.  Let's get together and exchange our knowledge of the German language and learn about the rich culture, various traditions, and the German lifestyle in general.  The class is held in a relaxed and fun atmosphere, open to everyone.
Friday February 28, 2025
3:30 PM - 6:30 PM    MLS After School Club
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM    Rec Basketball League (Grades 3-6) - Grade 3/4 Boys Rec Basketball: RSU5 Team 6 (Shetterly) @ Practice
Through practice, clinics, and games, this local league provides and promotes a safe, recreational basketball program for youth in grades 3 – 6 throughout RSU5. Focus is on good sportsmanship, developing strong playing skills, and promoting friendly relationships among the players, coaches, referees, and parents. Our main objective is to promote sportsmanship, integrity, and fairness. Teams will practice once during the week in the evening, and have a Saturday morning game. Games will be held in Durham, Freeport, Yarmouth or Brunswick. When you register, you will be asked where you would prefer to practice. You may choose either Durham/Pownal (practices at Pownal Elementary School with home games at DCS) or Freeport (practices at Mast Landing School with home games at FHS), and we will do all that we can to place your child on a team that practices in that town. Practices begin as soon as November 20th. Sign up by November 15th to guarantee a spot.Once teams are finalized, a coach will contact you and we will assign weekly practice times. If you have a specific day or time that you CANNOT practice, please indicate this when signing up. In an effort to create balanced teams, we cannot accommodate all specific team/coach requests.Thank you to our sponsors of this league! These local businesses help us support our community by offering scholarships to those in need:4B Logging & Lot Clearing, INCCasco Bay FordInter State Photography by FHS Alumni, Hannah Schnyder
Saturday March 1, 2025
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM    Maine Lacrosse Coaches Association conference
8:00 AM - 2:00 PM    Maine lacrosse coaches association
8:30 AM - 9:15 AM    Toddler Tumbling & Fitness - Winter/Spring
Learn beginner tumbling and gymnastics skills while exploring athletic movement in this dynamic class. Parents and guardians will act as coaches to help lead their children through the guided activities which promote strength-building, coordination, agility, and balance in an exciting and social atmosphere. Children will practice the proper positioning for handstands, cartwheels, forward rolls, and more while engaging classroom skills including direction-following through positive reinforcement. This class serves as the entry-level option to the elementary RSU5 Community Programs Tumbling and Fitness program. Laura Chadha is a Certified Personal Trainer with a strong background in gymnastics, functional fitness, and coaching. *Parent/guardian collaboration on the gym floor is required throughout the class.
9:30 AM - 10:20 AM    Tumbling & Fitness - Winter/Spring K/1
Learn basic tumbling and gymnastics skills while taking on strength and agility challenges in this dynamic class. Practice the proper techniques for handstands, cartwheels, forward rolls, and more to build and improve series connection skills. Children will engage in balance beam activities to build coordination and confidence, and participate in fitness prompts including jump roping and obstacle course runs. This program highlights achieving one’s personal best in an encouraging, small-group environment to foster a passion for exercise and wellness. Laura Chadha is a Certified Personal Trainer with a strong background in gymnastics, functional fitness, and coaching. Parents/guardians may drop their children off or remain in the gym area throughout the class. 
9:30 AM - 4:00 PM    Babysitter Training with Child and Infant CPR - Babysitter's Training
This fun, interactive course teaches infant & child CPR along with safety skills so you can prevent and respond to emergencies. Participants will learn how to perform first aid and get professional medical help, identify common safety hazards and prevent injuries, supervise infants through school age children, and perform basic routines such as diapering, feeding and dressing. Gain the skills and confidence you need to be a great babysitter. Children who are not yet 11, but have completed 5th grade may enroll by calling our office at 865-6171. Participants MUST attend both classes to gain certification.
10:30 AM - 11:20 AM    Tumbling & Fitness - Winter/Spring 2-5
Learn basic tumbling and gymnastics skills while taking on strength and agility challenges in this dynamic class. Practice the proper techniques for handstands, cartwheels, forward rolls, and more to build and improve series connection skills. Children will engage in balance beam activities to build coordination and confidence, and participate in fitness prompts including jump roping and obstacle course runs. This program highlights achieving one’s personal best in an encouraging, small-group environment to foster a passion for exercise and wellness. Laura Chadha is a Certified Personal Trainer with a strong background in gymnastics, functional fitness, and coaching. Parents/guardians may drop their children off or remain in the gym area throughout the class. 
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM    Youth & Parent Indoor Soccer/Futsal - Saturday Soccer DCS
Join us early Saturday evenings this winter as we keep in shape with some recreational indoor soccer. Kids, especially those with travel or school-team experience can sign up, as can their parents.
Sunday March 2, 2025
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM    FHS Baseball Boosters open gym
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM    Adult Rec Basketball Open Gym - Adult Rec Basketball DCS
Play pick up basketball and stay in shape year round.  MUST be pre-registered with Community Programs - NO Drop-insSundays excluded when Monday is a holiday. Wednesdays excluded for school gatherings and during middle school basketball season.If you register for one location, your registration for the other location should be fully discounted at checkout.
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM    Falcon Winter Baseball Clinic - Falcon Winter Baseball Clinic
Join the FHS Varsity Baseball coaching staff and players in these 90-minute sessions and work on specific skills needed to become quality baseball players. The skills and drills offered relate to proper pitching, hitting, and fielding mechanics. We will get as many repetitions as possible while keeping a focus on proper technique and fundamentals.
12:00 PM - 5:00 PM    Tri-Town Little League Pre-Season Indoor Practices
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM    Youth Ultimate Frisbee - Beginner Clinics for Girls & Female-Matching Players: Practice
Join the Freeport Ultimate program* and compete against other schools in this ultimate frisbee league! High school boys and girls teams will share the field in joint practices consisting of co-ed drills and scrimmages, as well as single-gender play. Teams will have the option to split into separate gender divisions for games, and also may play in the Mixed Division for additional games if desired. Game days will take place on Tuesdays, with backup days (weather, other rescheduling) on Wednesdays and Thursdays. All teams have the option to attend single-day tournaments throughout the season, for an additional fee.Please note that participation in the High School Division also requires a Youth Membership with USA Ultimate (additional $40 cost).*This program registration open to players from Freeport, Durham, Pownal, ME Coast Waldorf School, PolandNEW! Beginner Clinics for Girls & Female-Matching PlayersBeginning February 23rd, join us on Sundays from 1-3pm at the Freeport High School for these introductory clinics. Players can expect to spend the first part of practices learning basic fundamental skills and strategy, followed by fun games and scrimmages to end each session. Come try out this sport to see if you might be interested in joining the team! This program is open to any player interested in playing in the Girl's division (MS or HS). Register below - NO DROP INS!MIDDLE SCHOOL REGISTRATION WILL BE ADDED SOON! The middle school season will consist of clinic style practices, with an emphasis on learning basic fundamentals, rules and strategy of the game. These clinics will happen on Saturdays at Hunter Road Field, beginning in late April. This age group may have the option to play in additional scrimmages, games, or tournaments against other schools.More information about these leagues can be found at:
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM    High School Rugby - 2025 MHSRA/NEYRA Rugby : Seawolves (B) @ Practice
  Maine High School Rugby Association has transformed, and combined powers with programs in other New England states to be a part of the Northeast Youth Rugby Association (NEYRA). More information about this group can be found at here: NEYRA HomepageIn partnership with the Portland Rugby Football Club, USA Rugby, and the New England Free Jacks, the MHSRA & NEYRA is bringing rugby to Maine! The boys division will have five teams in ME, based out of these communities: Berwick, Freeport, Portland, Presque Isle and Waterville. The girls division will form a super-regional team that will compete against other high school clubs from New England. Both groups will practice* at Freeport High School on week days (Sundays indoors until the weather allows outdoor practices), and compete in weekend tournaments. The 'Spring Sevens' 7v7 tournaments will align with the spring MPA sports season, running from March through June. A full calendar can be found here, and you can expect updates to come directly from the NEYRA league managers and coaches.*Note: The team will practice outside on the FHS JBS Turf whenever possible; the Morse Street School Gym is reserved throughout the season in case practices need to be moved indoors.Registration for this program will be done directly through the NEYRA Website. Here is a direct link to do so: Register for the Freeport Seawolves
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM    Winter/Spring Volleyball - Middle School Volleyball
Join this fun & competitive co-ed volleyball program! Come play pickup volleyball and sweat away those winter blues. MUST be pre-registered with Community Programs - NO Drop-ins
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM    Adult Rec Basketball Open Gym - Adult Rec Basketball FMS Sundays
Play pick up basketball and stay in shape year round.  MUST be pre-registered with Community Programs - NO Drop-insSundays excluded when Monday is a holiday. Wednesdays excluded for school gatherings and during middle school basketball season.If you register for one location, your registration for the other location should be fully discounted at checkout.
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM    Winter/Spring Volleyball - Adult Volleyball
Join this fun & competitive co-ed volleyball program! Come play pickup volleyball and sweat away those winter blues. MUST be pre-registered with Community Programs - NO Drop-ins
Monday March 3, 2025
3:15 PM - 4:15 PM    Mad Science: STEM Odyssey - Mad Science - STEM Odyssey MSS
In STEM Odyssey, explore a variety of introductory topics and learn about the wonders of both life and physical sciences. Answer questions like, “What makes your hair stand up?”, “Is it a magnet or magic?”, and “Just what are carbs, anyway?” Morse Street Students may ride the bus from school to Mast Landing.
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM    Gee's Floor Hockey - GfH Grade 1 (Mondays)
It's floor hockey season at Morse Street School!  This fun after school program will introduce the skills of dribbling, passing, receiving, shooting, and offensive and defensive team play strategies of floor hockey.  This hour will be full of high activity and excitement.  Space is Limited.
3:20 PM - 4:20 PM    Maine Nature Art - DCS Art Mud Season
Seasonal delights will inspire your budding artists during these sessions. Come join in and bring a snack, water bottle, and imagination inspired by all Maine has to offer outside!
3:25 PM - 4:30 PM    Kids Yoga and Mindfulness - Yoga - Winter
Yoga and mindfulness can promote resilience and self-regulation in children. Students will connect, breathe, move, focus and relax through cooperative games, art, music, physical postures, and mindfulness activities designed for kids. Classes are playful, explorative, responsive, and fun! MSS students may ride the bus to MLS for after-school programs. Participants should bring a water bottle and, for after-school activities, a snack.
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM    Falcon Esports - Esports Spring 2025
RSU5 Community Programs is excited to offer an opportunity for students to compete in the Maine Principals’ Association’s newest sanctioned event: esports!Join a team of your classmates as you represent RSU5 and Freeport High School in competition with other teams from around the state playing Super Smash Bros.™ Ultimate, with opportunities to join regional leagues to play Splatoon™ 3, Mario Kart™ 8 Deluxe, or other titles yet to be announced, such as chess and Rocket League.Coach Brandon Cass, FHS Class of 2016, will ready players for game days with live practice sessions. Sportsmanship will be stressed, as we mold a respectful generation of gamers who can work together to hone their skills as a team. Players can move on to one of the nearly 200 varsity collegiate programs currently offered in this country, or into professional competition where hundreds of players around the world have each totaled hundreds of thousands of dollars in prize money.Practices will be held up to four days per week, Monday through Thursday, depending on competition schedules.  Sponsored by
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM    Rec Basketball League (Grades 3-6) - Grade 3/4 Girls Rec Basketball: RSU5 Combo Team @ Practice
Through practice, clinics, and games, this local league provides and promotes a safe, recreational basketball program for youth in grades 3 – 6 throughout RSU5. Focus is on good sportsmanship, developing strong playing skills, and promoting friendly relationships among the players, coaches, referees, and parents. Our main objective is to promote sportsmanship, integrity, and fairness. Teams will practice once during the week in the evening, and have a Saturday morning game. Games will be held in Durham, Freeport, Yarmouth or Brunswick. When you register, you will be asked where you would prefer to practice. You may choose either Durham/Pownal (practices at Pownal Elementary School with home games at DCS) or Freeport (practices at Mast Landing School with home games at FHS), and we will do all that we can to place your child on a team that practices in that town. Practices begin as soon as November 20th. Sign up by November 15th to guarantee a spot.Once teams are finalized, a coach will contact you and we will assign weekly practice times. If you have a specific day or time that you CANNOT practice, please indicate this when signing up. In an effort to create balanced teams, we cannot accommodate all specific team/coach requests.Thank you to our sponsors of this league! These local businesses help us support our community by offering scholarships to those in need:4B Logging & Lot Clearing, INCCasco Bay FordInter State Photography by FHS Alumni, Hannah Schnyder
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM    Driver Education - Roy's Driver & Rider Ed March
RSU5 DOES NOT take the Registrations - you must go through ROY'S to register.This course meets the state required 30 hours of classroom lecture and 10 hours of driving time.-Students must bring their birth certificate, social security card and blue or black ink pen to the first class. -Students must be 15 before the first class.REGISTER THROUGH ROY'S DRIVING ACADEMY 784-6245 or for more class information and registration
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM    Pickleball in Pownal - Pickleball Winter (Early Session)
Come drop-in for some Pickleball action, get some great exercise, and have some fun! All levels and abilities are welcome. This season will look a little different from others. If you would like to rent a paddle for the season, you may rent one of ours, but if you would like to purchase your own, we encourage you to do so. We will not be collecting fees at the door. You must register for the whole season, no matter how many weeks you attend.
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM    Line Dancing - Line Dancing - Spring
Find out how much fun line dancing can be!  Learn to line dance to a variety of rhythms :  Latin, country standards and even the Electric Slide!  Get a great cardio workout and learn to dance to your favorite songs.  Requests will be taken for specific dances and/or music on the first night, and dances will be taught in response to requests whenever possible.  No experience necessary.  Wear comfortable clothing and soft soled shoes.  No partner is required for this fun, energetic class.
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM    Travel Basketball League 2024-2025 (Grade 5-8) - Grade 5-6 Boys Travel Basketball: 6th Grade Boys Travel Team 2 (Scheib) @ Practice
This Program Registration is CLOSED and will not accept any more players. If you are interested in playing basketball with our Rec Program, that registration is open until November 15th and can be found at <this direct link>.Travel basketball involves teams from surrounding communities and is a competitive program competing in the Southern Maine Hoops League. Players must attend the evaluation night (Oct 29), after which they will be placed on a team. Teams will practice once or twice a week beginning as soon as November 4th, and play games as often as twice a weekend. The league consists of a regular season and playoff series. All games are on weekends. The first game weekend is November 16th-17th, and the final regular season game weekend is January 18th-19th. There are no games the weekends of Nov 30-Dec 1 and Dec 28-29. Playoffs continue through Feb 7-8th. This season, all teams will play games at Maine Basketball Academy (Portland), Maine Sports Arena (Saco), or Brunswick Recreation Center. The game schedule will be published both on the SMHL website, and on this program registration AS SOON AS IT BECOMES AVAILABLE (it has not been published as of 10/29/24).The practice schedule will be announced along with the rosters after the evaluation night. Each team can plan to practice one or two times per week for one hour, on a week night. Please let us know ASAP if there is any day of the week that you CANNOT practice.Parent Coaches and assistants are needed in order to run this program! If you are interested in coaching, please reach out to, and indicate so on your player's registration. Teams cannot form until we have enough players and volunteer coaches to guarantee they will run. If we do not have enough coaches to form teams with all present players, cuts are possible.Registration closes on October 26th; anyone registering after that date will join the waiting list and will only be accepted if there is room in the program. Please direct all questions and concerns to, or call our office during normal business hours at 207-865-6171 x324.Updates:Due to high registration numbers, we have separated the grade levels for the Boys Evaluation Night on Tuesday October 29th. All 5th and 6th Graders will play from 6:30-8pm, with 7th and 8th graders playing from 8-9pm.     
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM    Pickleball in Pownal - Pickleball Winter (Late Session)
Come drop-in for some Pickleball action, get some great exercise, and have some fun! All levels and abilities are welcome. This season will look a little different from others. If you would like to rent a paddle for the season, you may rent one of ours, but if you would like to purchase your own, we encourage you to do so. We will not be collecting fees at the door. You must register for the whole season, no matter how many weeks you attend.
Tuesday March 4, 2025
7:45 AM - 8:35 AM    Odyssey of the Mind
9:00 AM - 11:15 AM    RSU5 Administrator Meeting
3:00 PM - 6:00 PM    Driver Education - Roy's Driver & Rider Ed March
RSU5 DOES NOT take the Registrations - you must go through ROY'S to register.This course meets the state required 30 hours of classroom lecture and 10 hours of driving time.-Students must bring their birth certificate, social security card and blue or black ink pen to the first class. -Students must be 15 before the first class.REGISTER THROUGH ROY'S DRIVING ACADEMY 784-6245 or for more class information and registration
3:15 PM - 4:15 PM    After School GT Art
3:20 PM - 4:20 PM    Top Rockers Hip Hop Dance Crew - MSS Hip Hop Winter/Spring
Join us after school to learn beginning jazz and hip hop dance moves, conditioning and improvisation.  Get ready to have fun and work hard as we move to the beat!  Age appropriate music will be used for all sessions. Please send your dancer with comfortable flexible clothes (no jeans) and sneakers. The last day of most classes there will be a parent showcase.
3:25 PM - 4:30 PM    Fiber Arts - Fiber Arts
Sarah Lapine, PES parent and longtime fiber arts enthusiast, will teach students the basics of hand sewing and weaving. Students will have the opportunity to work on projects within each discipline and hopefully end the class with some finished products and a new lifelong hobby. Supplies will be provided; however, if a student has materials (fabric, yarn, etc) that they would like to bring in, they are welcome to do so. While knitting will not be taught, those who know how to knit and can do so independently may bring knitting projects to work on. Students who have previously participated in this program or have prior experience in fiber arts will have opportunities for some more advanced and/or self-directed projects.
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM    DCS Staff
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM    Drama Club
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM    Falcon Esports - Esports Spring 2025
RSU5 Community Programs is excited to offer an opportunity for students to compete in the Maine Principals’ Association’s newest sanctioned event: esports!Join a team of your classmates as you represent RSU5 and Freeport High School in competition with other teams from around the state playing Super Smash Bros.™ Ultimate, with opportunities to join regional leagues to play Splatoon™ 3, Mario Kart™ 8 Deluxe, or other titles yet to be announced, such as chess and Rocket League.Coach Brandon Cass, FHS Class of 2016, will ready players for game days with live practice sessions. Sportsmanship will be stressed, as we mold a respectful generation of gamers who can work together to hone their skills as a team. Players can move on to one of the nearly 200 varsity collegiate programs currently offered in this country, or into professional competition where hundreds of players around the world have each totaled hundreds of thousands of dollars in prize money.Practices will be held up to four days per week, Monday through Thursday, depending on competition schedules.  Sponsored by
4:30 PM - 5:15 PM    Tiny Tappy Toes Dance Combo - MSS Dance Winter/Spring
Learn basic ballet, tap and creative movement steps with instructor Kate Andreu.  Dance teaches self confidence, balance, and coordination and keeps a child's mind and body working together.  Bring a pair of socks or flexible shoes and dress shoes (for tap technique) to every class.  Ballet and tap shoes are recommended but not required.  Please send your dancer in comfortable, flexible clothes (no jeans) and sneakers.  A parent showcase will be held on the last day of class.
5:45 PM - 8:00 PM    Maine Youth Orchestra
Wednesday March 5, 2025
7:50 AM - 8:35 AM    Introduction to German - Frühling I: Sport, Spiel und Spaß
Your kids will be amazed by how much German they know already: auto, bus, ball, and gesundheit are all German words.  In our morning classes, we will not only discover more about the German language, but also German culture.  Where is Germany on a map? How do German kids live? What is the school day like? What sports do they play? What do we all have in common? What is different? In a fun, interactive setting, we will discover Germany and the world together.  Bis bald!*If you are new to this program, please contact the instructor before registering at
3:15 PM - 4:15 PM    Mad Science: STEM Odyssey - Mad Science - STEM Odyssey DCS
In STEM Odyssey, explore a variety of introductory topics and learn about the wonders of both life and physical sciences. Answer questions like, “What makes your hair stand up?”, “Is it a magnet or magic?”, and “Just what are carbs, anyway?” Morse Street Students may ride the bus from school to Mast Landing.
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM    Gee's Floor Hockey - GfH Kindergarten (Wednesdays)
It's floor hockey season at Morse Street School!  This fun after school program will introduce the skills of dribbling, passing, receiving, shooting, and offensive and defensive team play strategies of floor hockey.  This hour will be full of high activity and excitement.  Space is Limited.
3:15 PM - 5:00 PM    Girl Scouts
3:20 PM - 4:20 PM    Maine Nature Art - MSS Art Mud Season
Seasonal delights will inspire your budding artists during these sessions. Come join in and bring a snack, water bottle, and imagination inspired by all Maine has to offer outside!
3:25 PM - 4:25 PM    Top Rockers Hip Hop Dance Crew - MLS Hip Hop Winter/Spring
Join us after school to learn beginning jazz and hip hop dance moves, conditioning and improvisation.  Get ready to have fun and work hard as we move to the beat!  Age appropriate music will be used for all sessions. Please send your dancer with comfortable flexible clothes (no jeans) and sneakers. The last day of most classes there will be a parent showcase.
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM    Falcon Esports - Esports Spring 2025
RSU5 Community Programs is excited to offer an opportunity for students to compete in the Maine Principals’ Association’s newest sanctioned event: esports!Join a team of your classmates as you represent RSU5 and Freeport High School in competition with other teams from around the state playing Super Smash Bros.™ Ultimate, with opportunities to join regional leagues to play Splatoon™ 3, Mario Kart™ 8 Deluxe, or other titles yet to be announced, such as chess and Rocket League.Coach Brandon Cass, FHS Class of 2016, will ready players for game days with live practice sessions. Sportsmanship will be stressed, as we mold a respectful generation of gamers who can work together to hone their skills as a team. Players can move on to one of the nearly 200 varsity collegiate programs currently offered in this country, or into professional competition where hundreds of players around the world have each totaled hundreds of thousands of dollars in prize money.Practices will be held up to four days per week, Monday through Thursday, depending on competition schedules.  Sponsored by
3:30 PM - 5:30 PM    Odyssey of the Mind
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM    Rec Basketball League (Grades 3-6) - Grade 3/4 Girls Rec Basketball: RSU5 Combo Team @ Practice
Through practice, clinics, and games, this local league provides and promotes a safe, recreational basketball program for youth in grades 3 – 6 throughout RSU5. Focus is on good sportsmanship, developing strong playing skills, and promoting friendly relationships among the players, coaches, referees, and parents. Our main objective is to promote sportsmanship, integrity, and fairness. Teams will practice once during the week in the evening, and have a Saturday morning game. Games will be held in Durham, Freeport, Yarmouth or Brunswick. When you register, you will be asked where you would prefer to practice. You may choose either Durham/Pownal (practices at Pownal Elementary School with home games at DCS) or Freeport (practices at Mast Landing School with home games at FHS), and we will do all that we can to place your child on a team that practices in that town. Practices begin as soon as November 20th. Sign up by November 15th to guarantee a spot.Once teams are finalized, a coach will contact you and we will assign weekly practice times. If you have a specific day or time that you CANNOT practice, please indicate this when signing up. In an effort to create balanced teams, we cannot accommodate all specific team/coach requests.Thank you to our sponsors of this league! These local businesses help us support our community by offering scholarships to those in need:4B Logging & Lot Clearing, INCCasco Bay FordInter State Photography by FHS Alumni, Hannah Schnyder
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM    The Art of Fiction Writing - The Art of Fiction Writing
This course will use the traditional workshop model to introduce students to the art of fiction writing. Students will share and critique each other's work while studying various elements of fiction, such as: character, plot, setting, POV, and voice. Our goal is to learn from other students while improving our own writing. We’ll also read short stories and essays on writing to further develop our ability to read as a writer.
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM    Adult Rec Basketball Open Gym - Adult Rec Basketball DCS
Play pick up basketball and stay in shape year round.  MUST be pre-registered with Community Programs - NO Drop-insSundays excluded when Monday is a holiday. Wednesdays excluded for school gatherings and during middle school basketball season.If you register for one location, your registration for the other location should be fully discounted at checkout.
Thursday March 6, 2025
3:00 PM - 6:00 PM    Driver Education - Roy's Driver & Rider Ed March
RSU5 DOES NOT take the Registrations - you must go through ROY'S to register.This course meets the state required 30 hours of classroom lecture and 10 hours of driving time.-Students must bring their birth certificate, social security card and blue or black ink pen to the first class. -Students must be 15 before the first class.REGISTER THROUGH ROY'S DRIVING ACADEMY 784-6245 or for more class information and registration
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM    Gee's Floor Hockey - GfH Grade 2 (Thursdays)
It's floor hockey season at Morse Street School!  This fun after school program will introduce the skills of dribbling, passing, receiving, shooting, and offensive and defensive team play strategies of floor hockey.  This hour will be full of high activity and excitement.  Space is Limited.
3:20 PM - 4:20 PM    Top Rockers Hip Hop Dance Crew - DCS Hip Hop Winter/Spring
Join us after school to learn beginning jazz and hip hop dance moves, conditioning and improvisation.  Get ready to have fun and work hard as we move to the beat!  Age appropriate music will be used for all sessions. Please send your dancer with comfortable flexible clothes (no jeans) and sneakers. The last day of most classes there will be a parent showcase.
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM    Maine Nature Art - MLS Art Mud Season
Seasonal delights will inspire your budding artists during these sessions. Come join in and bring a snack, water bottle, and imagination inspired by all Maine has to offer outside!
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM    DCS Staff
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM    Falcon Esports - Esports Spring 2025
RSU5 Community Programs is excited to offer an opportunity for students to compete in the Maine Principals’ Association’s newest sanctioned event: esports!Join a team of your classmates as you represent RSU5 and Freeport High School in competition with other teams from around the state playing Super Smash Bros.™ Ultimate, with opportunities to join regional leagues to play Splatoon™ 3, Mario Kart™ 8 Deluxe, or other titles yet to be announced, such as chess and Rocket League.Coach Brandon Cass, FHS Class of 2016, will ready players for game days with live practice sessions. Sportsmanship will be stressed, as we mold a respectful generation of gamers who can work together to hone their skills as a team. Players can move on to one of the nearly 200 varsity collegiate programs currently offered in this country, or into professional competition where hundreds of players around the world have each totaled hundreds of thousands of dollars in prize money.Practices will be held up to four days per week, Monday through Thursday, depending on competition schedules.  Sponsored by
5:00 PM - 5:45 PM    Tae Kwon Do - TKD Youth (Late Winter - Beginner)
Tae Kwon Do is a great way to become physically and mentally fit while having fun. Learn valuable life long skills: respect, self-confidence, and courage, all while practicing self defense techniques. Great introduction to the martial arts while incorporating fun games and drills. Free uniform for your first session!
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM    Rec Basketball League (Grades 3-6) - Grade 3/4 Girls Rec Basketball: RSU5 Combo Team @ Practice
Through practice, clinics, and games, this local league provides and promotes a safe, recreational basketball program for youth in grades 3 – 6 throughout RSU5. Focus is on good sportsmanship, developing strong playing skills, and promoting friendly relationships among the players, coaches, referees, and parents. Our main objective is to promote sportsmanship, integrity, and fairness. Teams will practice once during the week in the evening, and have a Saturday morning game. Games will be held in Durham, Freeport, Yarmouth or Brunswick. When you register, you will be asked where you would prefer to practice. You may choose either Durham/Pownal (practices at Pownal Elementary School with home games at DCS) or Freeport (practices at Mast Landing School with home games at FHS), and we will do all that we can to place your child on a team that practices in that town. Practices begin as soon as November 20th. Sign up by November 15th to guarantee a spot.Once teams are finalized, a coach will contact you and we will assign weekly practice times. If you have a specific day or time that you CANNOT practice, please indicate this when signing up. In an effort to create balanced teams, we cannot accommodate all specific team/coach requests.Thank you to our sponsors of this league! These local businesses help us support our community by offering scholarships to those in need:4B Logging & Lot Clearing, INCCasco Bay FordInter State Photography by FHS Alumni, Hannah Schnyder
5:30 PM - 6:45 PM    Making Music Again - Making Music Again
Do you have an old band instrument lying around in your attic? Did you play a musical instrument as a kid and have always wanted to pick it back up? If you have an orchestral instrument: flute, oboe, clarinet, trumpet, French horn, trombone, violin, viola or cello, double bass, and have prior musical experience (even from decades ago) on your instrument, this is a wonderful way to revisit and rekindle your musical skills. This eight-week course will get you back into the swing of music making. All musicians will receive simple sheet music to play through. Together as an ensemble we will practice, make mistakes, and explore concepts such as tuning, tone, technique, balance, rhythm, and dynamics.
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM    FHS Indoor Track Awards Night/dinner
6:00 PM - 6:45 PM    Tae Kwon Do - TKD Youth (Late Winter - Intermediate)
Tae Kwon Do is a great way to become physically and mentally fit while having fun. Learn valuable life long skills: respect, self-confidence, and courage, all while practicing self defense techniques. Great introduction to the martial arts while incorporating fun games and drills. Free uniform for your first session!
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM    PreK Parent Night
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM    Softball Clinics - Softball Clinics
Through drills, stations, and games we will be focusing on teaching the proper mechanics of hitting, throwing and fielding.  Students should bring a water bottle and glove.  Bats and helmets will be provided for those in need.  Softball safety face masks are optional.
7:00 PM - 7:45 PM    Tae Kwon Do - TKD Adult (Late Winter)
Tae Kwon Do is a great way to become physically and mentally fit while having fun. Learn valuable life long skills: respect, self-confidence, and courage, all while practicing self defense techniques. Great introduction to the martial arts while incorporating fun games and drills. Free uniform for your first session!
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM    Travel Basketball League 2024-2025 (Grade 5-8) - Grade 5-6 Boys Travel Basketball: 6th Grade Boys Travel Team 2 (Scheib) @ Practice
This Program Registration is CLOSED and will not accept any more players. If you are interested in playing basketball with our Rec Program, that registration is open until November 15th and can be found at <this direct link>.Travel basketball involves teams from surrounding communities and is a competitive program competing in the Southern Maine Hoops League. Players must attend the evaluation night (Oct 29), after which they will be placed on a team. Teams will practice once or twice a week beginning as soon as November 4th, and play games as often as twice a weekend. The league consists of a regular season and playoff series. All games are on weekends. The first game weekend is November 16th-17th, and the final regular season game weekend is January 18th-19th. There are no games the weekends of Nov 30-Dec 1 and Dec 28-29. Playoffs continue through Feb 7-8th. This season, all teams will play games at Maine Basketball Academy (Portland), Maine Sports Arena (Saco), or Brunswick Recreation Center. The game schedule will be published both on the SMHL website, and on this program registration AS SOON AS IT BECOMES AVAILABLE (it has not been published as of 10/29/24).The practice schedule will be announced along with the rosters after the evaluation night. Each team can plan to practice one or two times per week for one hour, on a week night. Please let us know ASAP if there is any day of the week that you CANNOT practice.Parent Coaches and assistants are needed in order to run this program! If you are interested in coaching, please reach out to, and indicate so on your player's registration. Teams cannot form until we have enough players and volunteer coaches to guarantee they will run. If we do not have enough coaches to form teams with all present players, cuts are possible.Registration closes on October 26th; anyone registering after that date will join the waiting list and will only be accepted if there is room in the program. Please direct all questions and concerns to, or call our office during normal business hours at 207-865-6171 x324.Updates:Due to high registration numbers, we have separated the grade levels for the Boys Evaluation Night on Tuesday October 29th. All 5th and 6th Graders will play from 6:30-8pm, with 7th and 8th graders playing from 8-9pm.     
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM    Conversational German - Late Winter German
Perhaps you took German in college years ago and would now like to refresh your knowledge, or maybe you are planning a trip to Germany and would like to know the most important phrases to get around.  Let's get together and exchange our knowledge of the German language and learn about the rich culture, various traditions, and the German lifestyle in general.  The class is held in a relaxed and fun atmosphere, open to everyone.
Friday March 7, 2025
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM    Career Workshops - Interview Skills (Morning)
Is a new job on your 2025 to do list? Where to begin?! Attend an upcoming workshop or book time with us to discuss your career interests and goals. We can help you with the steps to finding a new job. We can also help you improve your digital literacy skills on your own time. Contact us to learn more! Registration for morning or evening sessions is free but required
3:00 PM - 6:00 PM    Driver Education - Roy's Driver & Rider Ed March
RSU5 DOES NOT take the Registrations - you must go through ROY'S to register.This course meets the state required 30 hours of classroom lecture and 10 hours of driving time.-Students must bring their birth certificate, social security card and blue or black ink pen to the first class. -Students must be 15 before the first class.REGISTER THROUGH ROY'S DRIVING ACADEMY 784-6245 or for more class information and registration
3:30 PM - 6:30 PM    MLS After School Club
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM    DCS Social
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM    DCS Social
Saturday March 8, 2025
8:30 AM - 9:15 AM    Toddler Tumbling & Fitness - Winter/Spring
Learn beginner tumbling and gymnastics skills while exploring athletic movement in this dynamic class. Parents and guardians will act as coaches to help lead their children through the guided activities which promote strength-building, coordination, agility, and balance in an exciting and social atmosphere. Children will practice the proper positioning for handstands, cartwheels, forward rolls, and more while engaging classroom skills including direction-following through positive reinforcement. This class serves as the entry-level option to the elementary RSU5 Community Programs Tumbling and Fitness program. Laura Chadha is a Certified Personal Trainer with a strong background in gymnastics, functional fitness, and coaching. *Parent/guardian collaboration on the gym floor is required throughout the class.
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM    How to Coach Youth Sports - A Clinic for Coaches
9:30 AM - 10:20 AM    Tumbling & Fitness - Winter/Spring K/1
Learn basic tumbling and gymnastics skills while taking on strength and agility challenges in this dynamic class. Practice the proper techniques for handstands, cartwheels, forward rolls, and more to build and improve series connection skills. Children will engage in balance beam activities to build coordination and confidence, and participate in fitness prompts including jump roping and obstacle course runs. This program highlights achieving one’s personal best in an encouraging, small-group environment to foster a passion for exercise and wellness. Laura Chadha is a Certified Personal Trainer with a strong background in gymnastics, functional fitness, and coaching. Parents/guardians may drop their children off or remain in the gym area throughout the class. 
9:30 AM - 4:00 PM    Babysitter Training with Child and Infant CPR - Babysitter's Training
This fun, interactive course teaches infant & child CPR along with safety skills so you can prevent and respond to emergencies. Participants will learn how to perform first aid and get professional medical help, identify common safety hazards and prevent injuries, supervise infants through school age children, and perform basic routines such as diapering, feeding and dressing. Gain the skills and confidence you need to be a great babysitter. Children who are not yet 11, but have completed 5th grade may enroll by calling our office at 865-6171. Participants MUST attend both classes to gain certification.
10:30 AM - 11:20 AM    Tumbling & Fitness - Winter/Spring 2-5
Learn basic tumbling and gymnastics skills while taking on strength and agility challenges in this dynamic class. Practice the proper techniques for handstands, cartwheels, forward rolls, and more to build and improve series connection skills. Children will engage in balance beam activities to build coordination and confidence, and participate in fitness prompts including jump roping and obstacle course runs. This program highlights achieving one’s personal best in an encouraging, small-group environment to foster a passion for exercise and wellness. Laura Chadha is a Certified Personal Trainer with a strong background in gymnastics, functional fitness, and coaching. Parents/guardians may drop their children off or remain in the gym area throughout the class. 
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM    Youth & Parent Indoor Soccer/Futsal - Saturday Soccer DCS
Join us early Saturday evenings this winter as we keep in shape with some recreational indoor soccer. Kids, especially those with travel or school-team experience can sign up, as can their parents.
Sunday March 9, 2025
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM    FHS Baseball Boosters open gym
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM    Adult Rec Basketball Open Gym - Adult Rec Basketball DCS
Play pick up basketball and stay in shape year round.  MUST be pre-registered with Community Programs - NO Drop-insSundays excluded when Monday is a holiday. Wednesdays excluded for school gatherings and during middle school basketball season.If you register for one location, your registration for the other location should be fully discounted at checkout.
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM    Falcon Winter Baseball Clinic - Falcon Winter Baseball Clinic
Join the FHS Varsity Baseball coaching staff and players in these 90-minute sessions and work on specific skills needed to become quality baseball players. The skills and drills offered relate to proper pitching, hitting, and fielding mechanics. We will get as many repetitions as possible while keeping a focus on proper technique and fundamentals.
12:00 PM - 5:00 PM    Tri-Town Little League Pre-Season Indoor Practices
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM    Youth Basketball Clinic & Fundraiser - Grades 3-8 Basketball Clinic
Come join us for this clinic, where kids will practice the fundamentals of the sport in a fun and interactive environment. All proceeds will be donated to the National CMV Foundation. We will have many coaches involved, including players from the FHS Boys and Girls Basketball teams and coaches from RSU5's Rec Basketball program. The clinic will consist of drills and activities teaching skills and strategy, as well as fun games to bring an element of competition. All players welcome, regardless of skill level or previous experience. At the end of the clinic, each player is welcome to join a pizza party sponsored by Pat's Pizza. One slice per child included in the registration - PLEASE EMAIL WITH ANY DIETARY CONCERNS.Sweatshirts, t-shirts and other merchandise will also be sold, and those profits will be donated to the NCMV Foundation as well.
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM    High School Rugby - 2025 MHSRA/NEYRA Rugby : Seawolves (B) @ Practice
  Maine High School Rugby Association has transformed, and combined powers with programs in other New England states to be a part of the Northeast Youth Rugby Association (NEYRA). More information about this group can be found at here: NEYRA HomepageIn partnership with the Portland Rugby Football Club, USA Rugby, and the New England Free Jacks, the MHSRA & NEYRA is bringing rugby to Maine! The boys division will have five teams in ME, based out of these communities: Berwick, Freeport, Portland, Presque Isle and Waterville. The girls division will form a super-regional team that will compete against other high school clubs from New England. Both groups will practice* at Freeport High School on week days (Sundays indoors until the weather allows outdoor practices), and compete in weekend tournaments. The 'Spring Sevens' 7v7 tournaments will align with the spring MPA sports season, running from March through June. A full calendar can be found here, and you can expect updates to come directly from the NEYRA league managers and coaches.*Note: The team will practice outside on the FHS JBS Turf whenever possible; the Morse Street School Gym is reserved throughout the season in case practices need to be moved indoors.Registration for this program will be done directly through the NEYRA Website. Here is a direct link to do so: Register for the Freeport Seawolves
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM    Adult Rec Basketball Open Gym - Adult Rec Basketball FMS Sundays
Play pick up basketball and stay in shape year round.  MUST be pre-registered with Community Programs - NO Drop-insSundays excluded when Monday is a holiday. Wednesdays excluded for school gatherings and during middle school basketball season.If you register for one location, your registration for the other location should be fully discounted at checkout.
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM    Winter/Spring Volleyball - Adult Volleyball
Join this fun & competitive co-ed volleyball program! Come play pickup volleyball and sweat away those winter blues. MUST be pre-registered with Community Programs - NO Drop-ins
11:00 PM - 1:00 PM    Youth Ultimate Frisbee - Beginner Clinics for Girls & Female-Matching Players: Practice
Join the Freeport Ultimate program* and compete against other schools in this ultimate frisbee league! High school boys and girls teams will share the field in joint practices consisting of co-ed drills and scrimmages, as well as single-gender play. Teams will have the option to split into separate gender divisions for games, and also may play in the Mixed Division for additional games if desired. Game days will take place on Tuesdays, with backup days (weather, other rescheduling) on Wednesdays and Thursdays. All teams have the option to attend single-day tournaments throughout the season, for an additional fee.Please note that participation in the High School Division also requires a Youth Membership with USA Ultimate (additional $40 cost).*This program registration open to players from Freeport, Durham, Pownal, ME Coast Waldorf School, PolandNEW! Beginner Clinics for Girls & Female-Matching PlayersBeginning February 23rd, join us on Sundays from 1-3pm at the Freeport High School for these introductory clinics. Players can expect to spend the first part of practices learning basic fundamental skills and strategy, followed by fun games and scrimmages to end each session. Come try out this sport to see if you might be interested in joining the team! This program is open to any player interested in playing in the Girl's division (MS or HS). Register below - NO DROP INS!MIDDLE SCHOOL REGISTRATION WILL BE ADDED SOON! The middle school season will consist of clinic style practices, with an emphasis on learning basic fundamentals, rules and strategy of the game. These clinics will happen on Saturdays at Hunter Road Field, beginning in late April. This age group may have the option to play in additional scrimmages, games, or tournaments against other schools.More information about these leagues can be found at:
Monday March 10, 2025
3:15 PM - 4:15 PM    Mad Science: STEM Odyssey - Mad Science - STEM Odyssey MSS
In STEM Odyssey, explore a variety of introductory topics and learn about the wonders of both life and physical sciences. Answer questions like, “What makes your hair stand up?”, “Is it a magnet or magic?”, and “Just what are carbs, anyway?” Morse Street Students may ride the bus from school to Mast Landing.
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM    Gee's Floor Hockey - GfH Grade 1 (Mondays)
It's floor hockey season at Morse Street School!  This fun after school program will introduce the skills of dribbling, passing, receiving, shooting, and offensive and defensive team play strategies of floor hockey.  This hour will be full of high activity and excitement.  Space is Limited.
3:20 PM - 4:20 PM    Maine Nature Art - DCS Art Mud Season
Seasonal delights will inspire your budding artists during these sessions. Come join in and bring a snack, water bottle, and imagination inspired by all Maine has to offer outside!
3:25 PM - 4:30 PM    Kids Yoga and Mindfulness - Yoga - Winter/Spring
Yoga and mindfulness can promote resilience and self-regulation in children. Students will connect, breathe, move, focus and relax through cooperative games, art, music, physical postures, and mindfulness activities designed for kids. Classes are playful, explorative, responsive, and fun! MSS students may ride the bus to MLS for after-school programs. Participants should bring a water bottle and, for after-school activities, a snack.
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM    Falcon Esports - Esports Spring 2025
RSU5 Community Programs is excited to offer an opportunity for students to compete in the Maine Principals’ Association’s newest sanctioned event: esports!Join a team of your classmates as you represent RSU5 and Freeport High School in competition with other teams from around the state playing Super Smash Bros.™ Ultimate, with opportunities to join regional leagues to play Splatoon™ 3, Mario Kart™ 8 Deluxe, or other titles yet to be announced, such as chess and Rocket League.Coach Brandon Cass, FHS Class of 2016, will ready players for game days with live practice sessions. Sportsmanship will be stressed, as we mold a respectful generation of gamers who can work together to hone their skills as a team. Players can move on to one of the nearly 200 varsity collegiate programs currently offered in this country, or into professional competition where hundreds of players around the world have each totaled hundreds of thousands of dollars in prize money.Practices will be held up to four days per week, Monday through Thursday, depending on competition schedules.  Sponsored by
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM    Pickleball in Pownal - Pickleball Winter (Early Session)
Come drop-in for some Pickleball action, get some great exercise, and have some fun! All levels and abilities are welcome. This season will look a little different from others. If you would like to rent a paddle for the season, you may rent one of ours, but if you would like to purchase your own, we encourage you to do so. We will not be collecting fees at the door. You must register for the whole season, no matter how many weeks you attend.
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM    Line Dancing - Line Dancing - Spring
Find out how much fun line dancing can be!  Learn to line dance to a variety of rhythms :  Latin, country standards and even the Electric Slide!  Get a great cardio workout and learn to dance to your favorite songs.  Requests will be taken for specific dances and/or music on the first night, and dances will be taught in response to requests whenever possible.  No experience necessary.  Wear comfortable clothing and soft soled shoes.  No partner is required for this fun, energetic class.
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM    PTA Meeting
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM    Travel Basketball League 2024-2025 (Grade 5-8) - Grade 5-6 Boys Travel Basketball: 6th Grade Boys Travel Team 2 (Scheib) @ Practice
This Program Registration is CLOSED and will not accept any more players. If you are interested in playing basketball with our Rec Program, that registration is open until November 15th and can be found at <this direct link>.Travel basketball involves teams from surrounding communities and is a competitive program competing in the Southern Maine Hoops League. Players must attend the evaluation night (Oct 29), after which they will be placed on a team. Teams will practice once or twice a week beginning as soon as November 4th, and play games as often as twice a weekend. The league consists of a regular season and playoff series. All games are on weekends. The first game weekend is November 16th-17th, and the final regular season game weekend is January 18th-19th. There are no games the weekends of Nov 30-Dec 1 and Dec 28-29. Playoffs continue through Feb 7-8th. This season, all teams will play games at Maine Basketball Academy (Portland), Maine Sports Arena (Saco), or Brunswick Recreation Center. The game schedule will be published both on the SMHL website, and on this program registration AS SOON AS IT BECOMES AVAILABLE (it has not been published as of 10/29/24).The practice schedule will be announced along with the rosters after the evaluation night. Each team can plan to practice one or two times per week for one hour, on a week night. Please let us know ASAP if there is any day of the week that you CANNOT practice.Parent Coaches and assistants are needed in order to run this program! If you are interested in coaching, please reach out to, and indicate so on your player's registration. Teams cannot form until we have enough players and volunteer coaches to guarantee they will run. If we do not have enough coaches to form teams with all present players, cuts are possible.Registration closes on October 26th; anyone registering after that date will join the waiting list and will only be accepted if there is room in the program. Please direct all questions and concerns to, or call our office during normal business hours at 207-865-6171 x324.Updates:Due to high registration numbers, we have separated the grade levels for the Boys Evaluation Night on Tuesday October 29th. All 5th and 6th Graders will play from 6:30-8pm, with 7th and 8th graders playing from 8-9pm.     
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM    Pickleball in Pownal - Pickleball Winter (Late Session)
Come drop-in for some Pickleball action, get some great exercise, and have some fun! All levels and abilities are welcome. This season will look a little different from others. If you would like to rent a paddle for the season, you may rent one of ours, but if you would like to purchase your own, we encourage you to do so. We will not be collecting fees at the door. You must register for the whole season, no matter how many weeks you attend.
Tuesday March 11, 2025
7:45 AM - 8:35 AM    Odyssey of the Mind
3:15 PM - 4:15 PM    After School GT Art
3:15 PM - 5:00 PM    DCS Talent Show Rehearsals
3:15 PM - 5:00 PM    DCS Talent Show Rehearsals
3:20 PM - 4:20 PM    Top Rockers Hip Hop Dance Crew - MSS Hip Hop Winter/Spring
Join us after school to learn beginning jazz and hip hop dance moves, conditioning and improvisation.  Get ready to have fun and work hard as we move to the beat!  Age appropriate music will be used for all sessions. Please send your dancer with comfortable flexible clothes (no jeans) and sneakers. The last day of most classes there will be a parent showcase.
3:25 PM - 4:30 PM    Fiber Arts - Fiber Arts
Sarah Lapine, PES parent and longtime fiber arts enthusiast, will teach students the basics of hand sewing and weaving. Students will have the opportunity to work on projects within each discipline and hopefully end the class with some finished products and a new lifelong hobby. Supplies will be provided; however, if a student has materials (fabric, yarn, etc) that they would like to bring in, they are welcome to do so. While knitting will not be taught, those who know how to knit and can do so independently may bring knitting projects to work on. Students who have previously participated in this program or have prior experience in fiber arts will have opportunities for some more advanced and/or self-directed projects.
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM    Drama Club
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM    Falcon Esports - Esports Spring 2025
RSU5 Community Programs is excited to offer an opportunity for students to compete in the Maine Principals’ Association’s newest sanctioned event: esports!Join a team of your classmates as you represent RSU5 and Freeport High School in competition with other teams from around the state playing Super Smash Bros.™ Ultimate, with opportunities to join regional leagues to play Splatoon™ 3, Mario Kart™ 8 Deluxe, or other titles yet to be announced, such as chess and Rocket League.Coach Brandon Cass, FHS Class of 2016, will ready players for game days with live practice sessions. Sportsmanship will be stressed, as we mold a respectful generation of gamers who can work together to hone their skills as a team. Players can move on to one of the nearly 200 varsity collegiate programs currently offered in this country, or into professional competition where hundreds of players around the world have each totaled hundreds of thousands of dollars in prize money.Practices will be held up to four days per week, Monday through Thursday, depending on competition schedules.  Sponsored by
4:30 PM - 5:15 PM    Tiny Tappy Toes Dance Combo - MSS Dance Winter/Spring
Learn basic ballet, tap and creative movement steps with instructor Kate Andreu.  Dance teaches self confidence, balance, and coordination and keeps a child's mind and body working together.  Bring a pair of socks or flexible shoes and dress shoes (for tap technique) to every class.  Ballet and tap shoes are recommended but not required.  Please send your dancer in comfortable, flexible clothes (no jeans) and sneakers.  A parent showcase will be held on the last day of class.
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM    Youth Lacrosse - Boys Pre-Season Skill Development Clinics for Beginners
Emphasis will be on individual skill development with an introduction to game concepts in this youth lacrosse program. All players are welcome and will be placed on gender and age appropriate teams (grades 3/4 together and grades 5/6 together). Teams will be created with equally balanced skill levels. The season begins with indoor practices if weather is uncooperative, and concludes in mid-June. Equipment needed: boys need shoulder pads (compliant with current NOCSAE standards), arm pads, helmet, gloves, mouth piece, and stick. Girls need a mouth guard, eye guard, and stick.Exact start dates and weekly practice days will be posted below as the season approaches. All practices will take place on Monday-Thursday at Pownal Road Field between the hours of 3-6pm (roughly), and will begin as soon as fields are dry/open (in 2024 the first official practice date was 4/22). Games will be in Freeport and nearby towns on Saturdays or Sundays - these are tentatively scheduled to begin the weekend of May 3rd-4th, with the final game weekend on June 15-16th (Memorial Day Weekend OFF). Additional weekend jamborees are optional, and teams may discuss their desire to attend.Participation in this program also requires a player membership with USA Lacrosse (additional $35 cost). You may create an account and purchase a 22-and-Under (22U) Player Membership using the link below:! This year we will be offering Pre-Season Skill Development Clinics for Beginner players. These are open to anyone interested in playing in the 3rd-6th grade boys division. Sessions will be held in the Freeport Middle School Gym from 4:30-6pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays, March 11-April 17. Volunteer coaches will be available to teach the fundamental skills of lacrosse before the season begins - a great way to test out the sport before the full season! No equipment necessary; bring your own stick, or email us at and we will bring a stick for you! Pre-registration required - sign up below (NO DROP INS!)
5:45 PM - 8:00 PM    Maine Youth Orchestra
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM    HS Basketball Practice
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM    PTC Meeting
Wednesday March 12, 2025
7:50 AM - 8:35 AM    Introduction to German - Frühling I: Sport, Spiel und Spaß
Your kids will be amazed by how much German they know already: auto, bus, ball, and gesundheit are all German words.  In our morning classes, we will not only discover more about the German language, but also German culture.  Where is Germany on a map? How do German kids live? What is the school day like? What sports do they play? What do we all have in common? What is different? In a fun, interactive setting, we will discover Germany and the world together.  Bis bald!*If you are new to this program, please contact the instructor before registering at
3:15 PM - 4:15 PM    Mad Science: STEM Odyssey - Mad Science - STEM Odyssey DCS
In STEM Odyssey, explore a variety of introductory topics and learn about the wonders of both life and physical sciences. Answer questions like, “What makes your hair stand up?”, “Is it a magnet or magic?”, and “Just what are carbs, anyway?” Morse Street Students may ride the bus from school to Mast Landing.
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM    Gee's Floor Hockey - GfH Kindergarten (Wednesdays)
It's floor hockey season at Morse Street School!  This fun after school program will introduce the skills of dribbling, passing, receiving, shooting, and offensive and defensive team play strategies of floor hockey.  This hour will be full of high activity and excitement.  Space is Limited.
3:20 PM - 4:20 PM    Maine Nature Art - MSS Art Mud Season
Seasonal delights will inspire your budding artists during these sessions. Come join in and bring a snack, water bottle, and imagination inspired by all Maine has to offer outside!
3:25 PM - 4:25 PM    Top Rockers Hip Hop Dance Crew - MLS Hip Hop Winter/Spring
Join us after school to learn beginning jazz and hip hop dance moves, conditioning and improvisation.  Get ready to have fun and work hard as we move to the beat!  Age appropriate music will be used for all sessions. Please send your dancer with comfortable flexible clothes (no jeans) and sneakers. The last day of most classes there will be a parent showcase.
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM    Falcon Esports - Esports Spring 2025
RSU5 Community Programs is excited to offer an opportunity for students to compete in the Maine Principals’ Association’s newest sanctioned event: esports!Join a team of your classmates as you represent RSU5 and Freeport High School in competition with other teams from around the state playing Super Smash Bros.™ Ultimate, with opportunities to join regional leagues to play Splatoon™ 3, Mario Kart™ 8 Deluxe, or other titles yet to be announced, such as chess and Rocket League.Coach Brandon Cass, FHS Class of 2016, will ready players for game days with live practice sessions. Sportsmanship will be stressed, as we mold a respectful generation of gamers who can work together to hone their skills as a team. Players can move on to one of the nearly 200 varsity collegiate programs currently offered in this country, or into professional competition where hundreds of players around the world have each totaled hundreds of thousands of dollars in prize money.Practices will be held up to four days per week, Monday through Thursday, depending on competition schedules.  Sponsored by
3:30 PM - 5:30 PM    Odyssey of the Mind
4:30 PM - 9:30 PM    School Board Meeting
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM    The Art of Fiction Writing - The Art of Fiction Writing
This course will use the traditional workshop model to introduce students to the art of fiction writing. Students will share and critique each other's work while studying various elements of fiction, such as: character, plot, setting, POV, and voice. Our goal is to learn from other students while improving our own writing. We’ll also read short stories and essays on writing to further develop our ability to read as a writer.
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM    Next Level Athletics
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM    Wine Tasting with Bow Street Market - Monastery Wines
Join Susan Grenier of Bow Street Market throughout the year as we try wines from around the world! Wines Of The Ancient World: Explore the indigenous varietals and lesser known countries with some of the longest known histories of wine making in the world (including Georgia, Armenia and Lebanon). Monastery Wines: Take a look at wineries around the world that were formerly Monastic. Lightly touch upon religion and taste their wines. Importer Spotlight–Mary Taylor’s White Label Series: These are honest, authentic wines to be enjoyed. Mary has hand picked the wines, and works very closely with her wine makers throughout Europe.
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM    Adult Rec Basketball Open Gym - Adult Rec Basketball DCS
Play pick up basketball and stay in shape year round.  MUST be pre-registered with Community Programs - NO Drop-insSundays excluded when Monday is a holiday. Wednesdays excluded for school gatherings and during middle school basketball season.If you register for one location, your registration for the other location should be fully discounted at checkout.
Thursday March 13, 2025
3:00 PM - 6:30 PM    Parent/Teacher Conferences
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM    Gee's Floor Hockey - GfH Grade 2 (Thursdays)
It's floor hockey season at Morse Street School!  This fun after school program will introduce the skills of dribbling, passing, receiving, shooting, and offensive and defensive team play strategies of floor hockey.  This hour will be full of high activity and excitement.  Space is Limited.
3:20 PM - 4:20 PM    Top Rockers Hip Hop Dance Crew - DCS Hip Hop Winter/Spring
Join us after school to learn beginning jazz and hip hop dance moves, conditioning and improvisation.  Get ready to have fun and work hard as we move to the beat!  Age appropriate music will be used for all sessions. Please send your dancer with comfortable flexible clothes (no jeans) and sneakers. The last day of most classes there will be a parent showcase.
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM    Maine Nature Art - MLS Art Mud Season
Seasonal delights will inspire your budding artists during these sessions. Come join in and bring a snack, water bottle, and imagination inspired by all Maine has to offer outside!
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM    Falcon Esports - Esports Spring 2025
RSU5 Community Programs is excited to offer an opportunity for students to compete in the Maine Principals’ Association’s newest sanctioned event: esports!Join a team of your classmates as you represent RSU5 and Freeport High School in competition with other teams from around the state playing Super Smash Bros.™ Ultimate, with opportunities to join regional leagues to play Splatoon™ 3, Mario Kart™ 8 Deluxe, or other titles yet to be announced, such as chess and Rocket League.Coach Brandon Cass, FHS Class of 2016, will ready players for game days with live practice sessions. Sportsmanship will be stressed, as we mold a respectful generation of gamers who can work together to hone their skills as a team. Players can move on to one of the nearly 200 varsity collegiate programs currently offered in this country, or into professional competition where hundreds of players around the world have each totaled hundreds of thousands of dollars in prize money.Practices will be held up to four days per week, Monday through Thursday, depending on competition schedules.  Sponsored by
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM    Youth Lacrosse - Boys Pre-Season Skill Development Clinics for Beginners
Emphasis will be on individual skill development with an introduction to game concepts in this youth lacrosse program. All players are welcome and will be placed on gender and age appropriate teams (grades 3/4 together and grades 5/6 together). Teams will be created with equally balanced skill levels. The season begins with indoor practices if weather is uncooperative, and concludes in mid-June. Equipment needed: boys need shoulder pads (compliant with current NOCSAE standards), arm pads, helmet, gloves, mouth piece, and stick. Girls need a mouth guard, eye guard, and stick.Exact start dates and weekly practice days will be posted below as the season approaches. All practices will take place on Monday-Thursday at Pownal Road Field between the hours of 3-6pm (roughly), and will begin as soon as fields are dry/open (in 2024 the first official practice date was 4/22). Games will be in Freeport and nearby towns on Saturdays or Sundays - these are tentatively scheduled to begin the weekend of May 3rd-4th, with the final game weekend on June 15-16th (Memorial Day Weekend OFF). Additional weekend jamborees are optional, and teams may discuss their desire to attend.Participation in this program also requires a player membership with USA Lacrosse (additional $35 cost). You may create an account and purchase a 22-and-Under (22U) Player Membership using the link below:! This year we will be offering Pre-Season Skill Development Clinics for Beginner players. These are open to anyone interested in playing in the 3rd-6th grade boys division. Sessions will be held in the Freeport Middle School Gym from 4:30-6pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays, March 11-April 17. Volunteer coaches will be available to teach the fundamental skills of lacrosse before the season begins - a great way to test out the sport before the full season! No equipment necessary; bring your own stick, or email us at and we will bring a stick for you! Pre-registration required - sign up below (NO DROP INS!)
5:00 PM - 5:45 PM    Tae Kwon Do - TKD Youth (Late Winter - Beginner)
Tae Kwon Do is a great way to become physically and mentally fit while having fun. Learn valuable life long skills: respect, self-confidence, and courage, all while practicing self defense techniques. Great introduction to the martial arts while incorporating fun games and drills. Free uniform for your first session!
5:30 PM - 6:45 PM    Making Music Again - Making Music Again
Do you have an old band instrument lying around in your attic? Did you play a musical instrument as a kid and have always wanted to pick it back up? If you have an orchestral instrument: flute, oboe, clarinet, trumpet, French horn, trombone, violin, viola or cello, double bass, and have prior musical experience (even from decades ago) on your instrument, this is a wonderful way to revisit and rekindle your musical skills. This eight-week course will get you back into the swing of music making. All musicians will receive simple sheet music to play through. Together as an ensemble we will practice, make mistakes, and explore concepts such as tuning, tone, technique, balance, rhythm, and dynamics.
6:00 PM - 6:45 PM    Tae Kwon Do - TKD Youth (Late Winter - Intermediate)
Tae Kwon Do is a great way to become physically and mentally fit while having fun. Learn valuable life long skills: respect, self-confidence, and courage, all while practicing self defense techniques. Great introduction to the martial arts while incorporating fun games and drills. Free uniform for your first session!
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM    Softball Clinics - Softball Clinics
Through drills, stations, and games we will be focusing on teaching the proper mechanics of hitting, throwing and fielding.  Students should bring a water bottle and glove.  Bats and helmets will be provided for those in need.  Softball safety face masks are optional.
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM    DCS Talent Show
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM    DCS Talent Show
7:00 PM - 7:45 PM    Tae Kwon Do - TKD Adult (Late Winter)
Tae Kwon Do is a great way to become physically and mentally fit while having fun. Learn valuable life long skills: respect, self-confidence, and courage, all while practicing self defense techniques. Great introduction to the martial arts while incorporating fun games and drills. Free uniform for your first session!
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM    Travel Basketball League 2024-2025 (Grade 5-8) - Grade 5-6 Boys Travel Basketball: 6th Grade Boys Travel Team 2 (Scheib) @ Practice
This Program Registration is CLOSED and will not accept any more players. If you are interested in playing basketball with our Rec Program, that registration is open until November 15th and can be found at <this direct link>.Travel basketball involves teams from surrounding communities and is a competitive program competing in the Southern Maine Hoops League. Players must attend the evaluation night (Oct 29), after which they will be placed on a team. Teams will practice once or twice a week beginning as soon as November 4th, and play games as often as twice a weekend. The league consists of a regular season and playoff series. All games are on weekends. The first game weekend is November 16th-17th, and the final regular season game weekend is January 18th-19th. There are no games the weekends of Nov 30-Dec 1 and Dec 28-29. Playoffs continue through Feb 7-8th. This season, all teams will play games at Maine Basketball Academy (Portland), Maine Sports Arena (Saco), or Brunswick Recreation Center. The game schedule will be published both on the SMHL website, and on this program registration AS SOON AS IT BECOMES AVAILABLE (it has not been published as of 10/29/24).The practice schedule will be announced along with the rosters after the evaluation night. Each team can plan to practice one or two times per week for one hour, on a week night. Please let us know ASAP if there is any day of the week that you CANNOT practice.Parent Coaches and assistants are needed in order to run this program! If you are interested in coaching, please reach out to, and indicate so on your player's registration. Teams cannot form until we have enough players and volunteer coaches to guarantee they will run. If we do not have enough coaches to form teams with all present players, cuts are possible.Registration closes on October 26th; anyone registering after that date will join the waiting list and will only be accepted if there is room in the program. Please direct all questions and concerns to, or call our office during normal business hours at 207-865-6171 x324.Updates:Due to high registration numbers, we have separated the grade levels for the Boys Evaluation Night on Tuesday October 29th. All 5th and 6th Graders will play from 6:30-8pm, with 7th and 8th graders playing from 8-9pm.     
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM    Conversational German - Late Winter German
Perhaps you took German in college years ago and would now like to refresh your knowledge, or maybe you are planning a trip to Germany and would like to know the most important phrases to get around.  Let's get together and exchange our knowledge of the German language and learn about the rich culture, various traditions, and the German lifestyle in general.  The class is held in a relaxed and fun atmosphere, open to everyone.
Saturday March 15, 2025
8:30 AM - 9:15 AM    Toddler Tumbling & Fitness - Winter/Spring
Learn beginner tumbling and gymnastics skills while exploring athletic movement in this dynamic class. Parents and guardians will act as coaches to help lead their children through the guided activities which promote strength-building, coordination, agility, and balance in an exciting and social atmosphere. Children will practice the proper positioning for handstands, cartwheels, forward rolls, and more while engaging classroom skills including direction-following through positive reinforcement. This class serves as the entry-level option to the elementary RSU5 Community Programs Tumbling and Fitness program. Laura Chadha is a Certified Personal Trainer with a strong background in gymnastics, functional fitness, and coaching. *Parent/guardian collaboration on the gym floor is required throughout the class.
9:30 AM - 10:20 AM    Tumbling & Fitness - Winter/Spring K/1
Learn basic tumbling and gymnastics skills while taking on strength and agility challenges in this dynamic class. Practice the proper techniques for handstands, cartwheels, forward rolls, and more to build and improve series connection skills. Children will engage in balance beam activities to build coordination and confidence, and participate in fitness prompts including jump roping and obstacle course runs. This program highlights achieving one’s personal best in an encouraging, small-group environment to foster a passion for exercise and wellness. Laura Chadha is a Certified Personal Trainer with a strong background in gymnastics, functional fitness, and coaching. Parents/guardians may drop their children off or remain in the gym area throughout the class. 
10:30 AM - 11:20 AM    Tumbling & Fitness - Winter/Spring 2-5
Learn basic tumbling and gymnastics skills while taking on strength and agility challenges in this dynamic class. Practice the proper techniques for handstands, cartwheels, forward rolls, and more to build and improve series connection skills. Children will engage in balance beam activities to build coordination and confidence, and participate in fitness prompts including jump roping and obstacle course runs. This program highlights achieving one’s personal best in an encouraging, small-group environment to foster a passion for exercise and wellness. Laura Chadha is a Certified Personal Trainer with a strong background in gymnastics, functional fitness, and coaching. Parents/guardians may drop their children off or remain in the gym area throughout the class. 
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM    Youth & Parent Indoor Soccer/Futsal - Saturday Soccer DCS
Join us early Saturday evenings this winter as we keep in shape with some recreational indoor soccer. Kids, especially those with travel or school-team experience can sign up, as can their parents.
Sunday March 16, 2025
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM    Adult Rec Basketball Open Gym - Adult Rec Basketball DCS
Play pick up basketball and stay in shape year round.  MUST be pre-registered with Community Programs - NO Drop-insSundays excluded when Monday is a holiday. Wednesdays excluded for school gatherings and during middle school basketball season.If you register for one location, your registration for the other location should be fully discounted at checkout.
12:00 PM - 5:00 PM    Tri-Town Little League Pre-Season Indoor Practices
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM    Youth Ultimate Frisbee - Beginner Clinics for Girls & Female-Matching Players: Practice
Join the Freeport Ultimate program* and compete against other schools in this ultimate frisbee league! High school boys and girls teams will share the field in joint practices consisting of co-ed drills and scrimmages, as well as single-gender play. Teams will have the option to split into separate gender divisions for games, and also may play in the Mixed Division for additional games if desired. Game days will take place on Tuesdays, with backup days (weather, other rescheduling) on Wednesdays and Thursdays. All teams have the option to attend single-day tournaments throughout the season, for an additional fee.Please note that participation in the High School Division also requires a Youth Membership with USA Ultimate (additional $40 cost).*This program registration open to players from Freeport, Durham, Pownal, ME Coast Waldorf School, PolandNEW! Beginner Clinics for Girls & Female-Matching PlayersBeginning February 23rd, join us on Sundays from 1-3pm at the Freeport High School for these introductory clinics. Players can expect to spend the first part of practices learning basic fundamental skills and strategy, followed by fun games and scrimmages to end each session. Come try out this sport to see if you might be interested in joining the team! This program is open to any player interested in playing in the Girl's division (MS or HS). Register below - NO DROP INS!MIDDLE SCHOOL REGISTRATION WILL BE ADDED SOON! The middle school season will consist of clinic style practices, with an emphasis on learning basic fundamentals, rules and strategy of the game. These clinics will happen on Saturdays at Hunter Road Field, beginning in late April. This age group may have the option to play in additional scrimmages, games, or tournaments against other schools.More information about these leagues can be found at:
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM    High School Rugby - 2025 MHSRA/NEYRA Rugby : Seawolves (B) @ Practice
  Maine High School Rugby Association has transformed, and combined powers with programs in other New England states to be a part of the Northeast Youth Rugby Association (NEYRA). More information about this group can be found at here: NEYRA HomepageIn partnership with the Portland Rugby Football Club, USA Rugby, and the New England Free Jacks, the MHSRA & NEYRA is bringing rugby to Maine! The boys division will have five teams in ME, based out of these communities: Berwick, Freeport, Portland, Presque Isle and Waterville. The girls division will form a super-regional team that will compete against other high school clubs from New England. Both groups will practice* at Freeport High School on week days (Sundays indoors until the weather allows outdoor practices), and compete in weekend tournaments. The 'Spring Sevens' 7v7 tournaments will align with the spring MPA sports season, running from March through June. A full calendar can be found here, and you can expect updates to come directly from the NEYRA league managers and coaches.*Note: The team will practice outside on the FHS JBS Turf whenever possible; the Morse Street School Gym is reserved throughout the season in case practices need to be moved indoors.Registration for this program will be done directly through the NEYRA Website. Here is a direct link to do so: Register for the Freeport Seawolves
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM    Adult Rec Basketball Open Gym - Adult Rec Basketball FMS Sundays
Play pick up basketball and stay in shape year round.  MUST be pre-registered with Community Programs - NO Drop-insSundays excluded when Monday is a holiday. Wednesdays excluded for school gatherings and during middle school basketball season.If you register for one location, your registration for the other location should be fully discounted at checkout.
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM    Winter/Spring Volleyball - Adult Volleyball
Join this fun & competitive co-ed volleyball program! Come play pickup volleyball and sweat away those winter blues. MUST be pre-registered with Community Programs - NO Drop-ins
Monday March 17, 2025
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM    Gee's Floor Hockey - GfH Grade 1 (Mondays)
It's floor hockey season at Morse Street School!  This fun after school program will introduce the skills of dribbling, passing, receiving, shooting, and offensive and defensive team play strategies of floor hockey.  This hour will be full of high activity and excitement.  Space is Limited.
3:15 PM - 7:00 PM    DCS Conferences
3:20 PM - 4:20 PM    Maine Nature Art - DCS Art Mud Season
Seasonal delights will inspire your budding artists during these sessions. Come join in and bring a snack, water bottle, and imagination inspired by all Maine has to offer outside!
3:25 PM - 4:30 PM    Kids Yoga and Mindfulness - Yoga - Winter/Spring
Yoga and mindfulness can promote resilience and self-regulation in children. Students will connect, breathe, move, focus and relax through cooperative games, art, music, physical postures, and mindfulness activities designed for kids. Classes are playful, explorative, responsive, and fun! MSS students may ride the bus to MLS for after-school programs. Participants should bring a water bottle and, for after-school activities, a snack.
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM    Falcon Esports - Esports Spring 2025
RSU5 Community Programs is excited to offer an opportunity for students to compete in the Maine Principals’ Association’s newest sanctioned event: esports!Join a team of your classmates as you represent RSU5 and Freeport High School in competition with other teams from around the state playing Super Smash Bros.™ Ultimate, with opportunities to join regional leagues to play Splatoon™ 3, Mario Kart™ 8 Deluxe, or other titles yet to be announced, such as chess and Rocket League.Coach Brandon Cass, FHS Class of 2016, will ready players for game days with live practice sessions. Sportsmanship will be stressed, as we mold a respectful generation of gamers who can work together to hone their skills as a team. Players can move on to one of the nearly 200 varsity collegiate programs currently offered in this country, or into professional competition where hundreds of players around the world have each totaled hundreds of thousands of dollars in prize money.Practices will be held up to four days per week, Monday through Thursday, depending on competition schedules.  Sponsored by
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM    Pickleball in Pownal - Pickleball Spring (Early Session)
Come drop-in for some Pickleball action, get some great exercise, and have some fun! All levels and abilities are welcome. This season will look a little different from others. If you would like to rent a paddle for the season, you may rent one of ours, but if you would like to purchase your own, we encourage you to do so. We will not be collecting fees at the door. You must register for the whole season, no matter how many weeks you attend.
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM    Line Dancing - Line Dancing - Spring
Find out how much fun line dancing can be!  Learn to line dance to a variety of rhythms :  Latin, country standards and even the Electric Slide!  Get a great cardio workout and learn to dance to your favorite songs.  Requests will be taken for specific dances and/or music on the first night, and dances will be taught in response to requests whenever possible.  No experience necessary.  Wear comfortable clothing and soft soled shoes.  No partner is required for this fun, energetic class.
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM    Travel Basketball League 2024-2025 (Grade 5-8) - Grade 5-6 Boys Travel Basketball: 6th Grade Boys Travel Team 2 (Scheib) @ Practice
This Program Registration is CLOSED and will not accept any more players. If you are interested in playing basketball with our Rec Program, that registration is open until November 15th and can be found at <this direct link>.Travel basketball involves teams from surrounding communities and is a competitive program competing in the Southern Maine Hoops League. Players must attend the evaluation night (Oct 29), after which they will be placed on a team. Teams will practice once or twice a week beginning as soon as November 4th, and play games as often as twice a weekend. The league consists of a regular season and playoff series. All games are on weekends. The first game weekend is November 16th-17th, and the final regular season game weekend is January 18th-19th. There are no games the weekends of Nov 30-Dec 1 and Dec 28-29. Playoffs continue through Feb 7-8th. This season, all teams will play games at Maine Basketball Academy (Portland), Maine Sports Arena (Saco), or Brunswick Recreation Center. The game schedule will be published both on the SMHL website, and on this program registration AS SOON AS IT BECOMES AVAILABLE (it has not been published as of 10/29/24).The practice schedule will be announced along with the rosters after the evaluation night. Each team can plan to practice one or two times per week for one hour, on a week night. Please let us know ASAP if there is any day of the week that you CANNOT practice.Parent Coaches and assistants are needed in order to run this program! If you are interested in coaching, please reach out to, and indicate so on your player's registration. Teams cannot form until we have enough players and volunteer coaches to guarantee they will run. If we do not have enough coaches to form teams with all present players, cuts are possible.Registration closes on October 26th; anyone registering after that date will join the waiting list and will only be accepted if there is room in the program. Please direct all questions and concerns to, or call our office during normal business hours at 207-865-6171 x324.Updates:Due to high registration numbers, we have separated the grade levels for the Boys Evaluation Night on Tuesday October 29th. All 5th and 6th Graders will play from 6:30-8pm, with 7th and 8th graders playing from 8-9pm.     
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM    Pickleball in Pownal - Pickleball Spring (Late Session)
Come drop-in for some Pickleball action, get some great exercise, and have some fun! All levels and abilities are welcome. This season will look a little different from others. If you would like to rent a paddle for the season, you may rent one of ours, but if you would like to purchase your own, we encourage you to do so. We will not be collecting fees at the door. You must register for the whole season, no matter how many weeks you attend.